Metacognitive Strategies
by Slim Umbridge
1. Chapter 7
1.1. Prepare: do the assigned reading, pay attention to the syllabus, use additional materials provided, warm up for class, and get organized
1.2. Participate: listen critically and with an open mind, and speak up
1.3. Notes: Cornell, Outline, Paragraph, and List
2. Chapter 8
2.1. Memory: short term and long term
2.2. Improve memory: review sheets, mind maps, flash cards, summaries, and mnemonics
2.3. Studying: pay attention and avoid distractions, be confident, overlearn the material, explain the material to another person, make studying daily, check the internet, go above and beyond, look for life connections, get organized, reduce stress, collaborate, and get a tutor.
3. Chapter 9
3.1. Prepare physically and emotionally: maintain regular sleep routine, follow regular exercise program, eat right, know the material, practice relaxing, and use positive self-talk
3.2. Tests: Problem-solving, machine-scored, computerized, laboratory, open-book/notes, and take-home
3.3. Questions: essay, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and matching
4. Chapter 10
4.1. Information literacy: computer, media, and cultural
4.2. Evaluating sources: relevance, authority, and bias
4.3. Writing steps: Use prewriting to discover what you want to say, draft, and revise.
5. Chapter 11
5.1. Ethnicity, culture, race, religion, age, gender, religion, economic status, learning and physical challenges, and sexuality
5.2. Seeking Diversity: the curriculum, study abroad, student-run organizations, career/major groups, political/activist groups, and special-interest groups
5.3. Raise awareness, fight hate on campus, and challenge yourself to experience diversity
6. Chapter 12
6.1. Types of aid: grants, scholarships, merit scholarships, work-study, and co-op education
6.2. Student Loans:subsidized federal loans, unsubsidized federal loans, PLUS loans, and private loans
6.3. Planning for the future: figure out next step, keep your address current with the registrar, and establish a savings account.
7. Chapter 1
7.1. Determination, resolve, goal, etc.
7.2. Goal Setting: identity, ask, establish
7.3. SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-oriented
8. Chapter 2
8.1. Organize with a planner: due dates, test dates, etc.
8.2. Organize by: setting goals for studying, using breaks to review, limiting distractions, avoiding multitasking, being flexible, and making schedule breaks.
8.3. Avoid procrastination: reminding yourself of the consequences, creating a to-do list, breaking work into steps, promise yourself rewards, find a quiet place, say no to attention-seeking people, shut off all distractions, and consider asking for help to keep yourself on track.
9. Chapter 3
9.1. Emotional intelligence: understanding emotions and managing emotions.
9.2. Motivation, resilience, balance and priority management, and anger management
9.3. Develop emotional intelligence with: intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, adaptability, stress management, and overall mood
10. Chapter 4
10.1. VARK: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic
10.2. Kolb: concrete experience abilities, reflective observation abilities, abstract conceptualization abilities, active experimentation.
10.3. Multiple Intelligence: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythm, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic
11. Chapter 5
11.1. Critical Thinker: ask questions, consider multiple points of view and draw conclusions, make arguments, challenge assumptions and beliefs, examine evidence, and recognize and avoid faulty reasoning,
11.2. Faulty reasoning: attacking the person, begging, appealing to false authority, jumping on a bandwagon, assuming something is true since it hasn't been proven wrong, falling victim to false cause, making hasty generalizations, and slippery slopes.
11.3. Bloom's Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
12. Chapter 6
12.1. Active Reading: preview, mark, concentrate, and review
12.2. Mapping, outlining or listing, flash cards
12.3. Textbooks: math, science, social sciences and humanities, and supplementary