Webandevents.com On-page SEO Audit

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Webandevents.com On-page SEO Audit by Mind Map: Webandevents.com On-page SEO Audit

1. Off-page

1.1. Lanyrd.com

1.2. LinkedIn Events

1.3. Facebook Events

2. Semantic

2.1. Design/usability

2.2. Site structure

2.3. ID top pages (GA)

2.4. Keyword usage on the page

2.4.1. page titles

2.4.2. SEF urls

2.4.3. meta descriptions

2.5. Internal linking / page elevation

2.6. Social media integration

2.6.1. buttons

2.6.2. Like box

2.7. Blog

2.8. About Us / Contact us pages

3. More resources / DIY

3.1. Chrome SEO extension

3.2. SEOmoz checklist

4. Technical

4.1. Indexation

4.2. Canonical

4.2.1. Rex Swain HTTP viewer

4.2.2. www vs. non-www

4.3. Accesibility

4.4. Site speed

4.5. Duplicate content

4.6. 404 error pages

4.7. XML sitemap

5. SERPs overview

5.1. brand search

5.2. web conferences sofia

6. Google Analytics

6.1. Traffic share from seach

6.2. brand keywords

6.3. non-brand keywords

6.4. top landing pages from search

6.5. goal conversions