Iron Deficiency Anemia
by Moe Moghadam
1. Risk Factors
1.1. Women at greater risk, one Main reason because of menstruation
1.2. Infants at low brith weight
1.3. Premature infants
1.4. Vegetearins, if they do not eat food high in rion
1.5. Dononating blood frequently
1.6. Lack of Vitamin C, which can decrease Iron absorbtion
1.7. Cancer, Especially esophageal, and gastrointestinal cancer
2. Diagnostic Tests
2.1. CBC
2.2. Pheripheral Blood Smear
2.3. TIBC and Serum Ferritin test
2.4. Hemoglobin electrophoresis
2.5. Measrment of hemoglobin A2
2.6. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content
2.7. Bone Marrow Aspirition
2.8. Endoscsopy/colonoscopy to rule out bleeding
3. Treatmnet
3.1. Iron Supplemsts such as Iron pills
3.2. Vatmain C to help in absorbtion of IRON
3.3. Treating underlying casues suchs as Medications or antibiotics that can cause anemia
3.4. Not taking ant-acids with FE pills
4. Pathophioslogy
4.1. Most common type of anemia
4.2. Defined as a decreased total amount of iron
4.3. Can usually be corrected
4.4. Lack of iron lead to lack of hemoglobin
4.5. Lack of hemoglobin affects oxygen transport throughout the body
5. Cause
5.1. Blood Loss
5.2. Lack of Iron (FE) in your diet
5.3. Inability to absorb Iron ( Celiac Disease)
5.4. Pregnancy
5.5. Lack of Vitamin C
5.6. Infections or damage to gastrointestinal tract
6. Signs and Symptoms
6.1. Tired and Weak
6.2. Difficulty Breathing
6.3. Pale Skin
6.4. Chest pain
6.5. tachycardia
6.6. Headache and Dizziness
6.7. Brittle Nail
6.8. Poor appetite
6.9. Cravings of non-nutritive food such as dirt, ice or starch