The Farm
by Jeana Wilcox
1. pudding painting
2. Mathematics
2.1. sorting animals (zoo vs farm)
2.2. count cotton on sheep
2.3. shape animals
2.4. graph favorite animal
2.5. farm animal preposition
3. Music
3.1. Farmer in the Dell
3.2. B-I-N-G-O
3.3. The Animals Go Out/In The Barn
3.4. The Animals On The Farm (Wheels on the Bus)
4. Physical Development
4.1. Gross Motor
4.1.1. Farmer in the Dell
4.2. Fine Motor
4.2.1. milk pretend cow
4.2.2. build a (cardboard) barn
5. Sensory Integration
5.1. animals in a feelie box
6. Science
6.1. incubate/hatch eggs
6.2. make butter from cream
6.3. make flavored milks to taste
7. Language & Literacy
7.1. Books
7.1.1. Friends (Heine)
7.1.2. Barnyard Dance (Boynton)
7.1.3. Milk From Cow to Carton (Aliki)
7.1.4. Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm (Cowley)
7.1.5. Little Pink Pig (Hutchins)
7.1.6. The Rusty, Trusty Tractor (Cowley)
7.1.7. The Big Red Barn (Brown)
7.2. Written Expression
7.2.1. draw a picture from story
7.2.2. copy/trace vocabulary words to journal
7.2.3. Make Emergent Reader for Farm (Sensory)
7.3. Oral Expression
7.3.1. discuss meaning of vocabulary words
7.3.2. rhyme farm words/animals