Radio and Movies from the 1920's

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Radio and Movies from the 1920's by Mind Map: Radio and Movies from the 1920's

1. Movies

1.1. Silent Movies

1.2. "Talkies"

1.3. Actors/Actresses

1.3.1. Pay

1.3.2. Fame

1.4. beginning

1.5. end

1.6. changes

1.6.1. Fantasy/Hope

1.6.2. Idols

1.6.3. Business

2. Radio

2.1. Growing popularity

2.1.1. Sudden Increase

2.1.2. Music performances

2.1.3. Shows

2.2. Beginning

2.3. End

2.4. Changes

2.4.1. Connecting citizens

2.4.2. Entertainment

2.4.3. Communication