Construction Zone
by rebecca roehrich

1. Science- Inquiry
1.1. Why the brick house was stronger activity- ties into The Three Little Pigs
1.1.1. Use sticks, straws and bricks. Let the children investigate and explain why the brick house was stronger.
1.2. Buried Treasures Game
1.2.1. Explain to the children there are treasures buried in the sand. They are not allowed to use their hands to find them. Ask the children how they will find the treasures. Provide construction diggers for children. Provide paper and pen for them to draw their plan and conclusion- the uncovered treasure.
2. Art
2.1. Have the children create a construction zone using caution tape
2.2. Have children create marshmallow buildings using marshmallows and toothpicks
2.3. Popsicle stick buildings using Popsicle sticks, glue, paper and paint
3. Literacy
3.1. "B" is for Bulldozer
3.2. Construction Countdown
3.3. "C" is for Construction
3.4. Wheels at work at a construction site
3.5. Dig, Dig, Digging
3.6. Alphabet Under Construction
3.7. The Three Little Pigs
4. Social Studies
4.1. Visit a construction site. Use a map to figure out how to get there. Discuss the city and state the site is located and how far
4.1.1. Economics
4.2. Invite a construction worker into the class
5. Music
5.1. Sing- the construction worker song
5.2. Sing Noisy Nails- math
5.3. Sing- Johnny's hammers using toy hammer prop- math
6. Math
6.1. Class House game
6.1.1. Draw a big house on the flip chart. Provide children with bricks, windows, shingles and a chimney. As they construct the house, ask them to measure how many bricks fit, count the number of windows, etc.