DHR's Social Media Strategy

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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DHR's Social Media Strategy von Mind Map: DHR's Social Media Strategy

1. Facebook

1.1. UNICEF Jobs page used as a tool for recruitement and outreach with audience

1.2. Link to UNICEF and UNICEF Emergency Jobs Facebook pages

1.3. Resemble UNICEF, Deloitte, Gates Foundation Facebook pages

1.4. Content & Structure: Engaging Welcome page with UNICEF employment video, jobs tab with rss feed, twitter feed, youtube, wall, FAQs, testimonials

2. LinkedIn

2.1. UNICEF Jobs LinkedIn page used as a tool for recruitement (more mid to senior level staff) and outreach with audience

2.2. Link to UNICEF and UNICEF Emergency Jobs LinkedIn pages

2.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

2.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

2.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

2.2.4. DEL to delete

2.2.5. All key shortcuts

2.2.6. Link to UNICEF and UNICEF Emergency Jobs Facebook pages

2.3. Possibility of recruitment/head-hunting

3. Twitter

3.1. UNICEF Jobs Twitter page is fully functioning

3.2. Currently manually entering each new vacancy published publically as a new tweet

3.3. Working with Thierry to directly link the RSS jobs feed from the UNICEF employment site to the Twitter feed, so each vacancy is automatically tweeted