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STL Mobile Home by Mind Map: STL Mobile Home

1. Campus Home page Link

2. Library Full Page Link

3. Reference Phone Link

4. People

4.1. Quick Call Links

4.2. Department Phone Numbers

4.3. All Library Contacts PHP script reads campus directory for library parses only what we need & formats for mobile web

5. Ask Us

5.1. Ask Us 24/7 Chat Widget

5.2. Reference Question Web Form

6. Hours

6.1. PHP script reads Library Hours from server

7. Research

7.1. Mobile Library Catalog WorldCat Local

7.2. Find Articles by Subject

7.3. Ebsco Link

7.3.1. EZproxy login

7.4. Research Apps you can install

8. Directions

8.1. Email Me Driving Direction Form

8.1.1. PHP script reads directions from Bing Maps and emails them

8.2. Get Google Maps Turn by Turn Form

8.2.1. PHP script makes Google Maps directions URL and launches it

9. About STL Mobile

9.1. Simple description of our mobile page

9.2. Links to Directions

9.3. Links to People