1980-1990 History of American Illustration

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1980-1990 History of American Illustration by Mind Map: 1980-1990 History of American Illustration

1. Arthur Adams

2. Richard Amsel

3. marshall Arisman

4. Berkley Brethed

5. Kinuko Craft

6. C.F. Payne

7. Francis Livingston

8. Frank Miller

9. Chris Van Allsburg

10. Bill Watterson

11. Anita Kunz

12. David Wiesner

13. Jan Brett

14. Rick Berry

15. Sue Coe

16. Gary Kelley

17. Bill Sienkiewicz

18. Lane Smith

19. Drew Struzan

20. Michael Whelan

21. Elwood Smith

22. Steve Brodner

23. Bill Mayer

24. Beverly Doolittle

25. Roz Chast