Problem Based Learning (PBL)
by Sara Locke
1. Strengths
1.1. Meet many more standards
1.1.1. New node
1.2. More engaging and motivating for students- because it's relevant
1.3. Cross-Curricular- usually covers more than one subject area
2. Obstacles
2.1. Creating a good problem
2.2. Deciding how to group students
2.3. Assessing students along the way
2.4. Keeping student learning focused
3. Process Strategies
3.1. 1. Students are presented with a problem
3.2. 2. Students engage in the learning necessary to solve the problem.
3.3. 3. Students provide multiple solutions to one problem
4. Technology Support
4.1. Provided by the instructor when students encounter problems
4.2. If the problem can't be solved by the instructor, someone at the help-desk may need to be contacted
5. Teacher Role
5.1. Assist/Guide students as they solve the problem
5.2. Help students learn the skills necessary to solve the problem
6. Student Engagement
6.1. Students are highly engaged
6.2. Learning is relevant to the student and they take ownership of their learning
7. Collaboration
7.1. Collaboration will be very important
7.2. Collaboration between students: The students will offer different strengths to the process of solving the problem. Each student might come up with a piece of the solution, but the whole solution is dependent upon their individual ideas working together
7.3. Collaboration between student and teacher: Students will look to the teacher for guidance. The teacher needs to check-in with the student to ensure that the proper skills were learned to make sure the student stays focused on the goal of the assignment.