My Social Connection Diagram
by Akaylah Tan
1. Elementary and High School Friends
1.1. Immaculate Conception Academy
1.2. Xavier School
1.3. Outings, Celebrations, Reunions
2. China Tour Friends
2.1. Xiamen Study Tour
2.2. Beijing Study Tour
2.3. Outings, Celebrations, Reunions
3. Family
3.1. Parents
3.2. Sisters
3.3. Cousins
3.4. Aunts and Uncles
3.5. Grandmothers and Grandfathers
3.6. Reunions (Zamboanga and Davao), Weddings, Vacations
4. College Friends
4.1. DLSU
4.2. CSB
4.3. Organizations
4.4. Outings, Celebrations