Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)

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Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) por Mind Map: Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)

1. Theory o language

1.1. Premises

1.1.1. 1. Born to talk.

1.1.2. 2. Conversation.

1.1.3. 3.Maxims

1.1.4. 4. Learning of L1 maxims.

1.1.5. 5. Learning of L2 maxims

2. Advantages en ESL

2.1. Frequency and variety in L2

2.2. Developing and increasing language skill

2.3. Positive social attitude

2.4. Social support in learning

3. Types of learning and classrroom activities

3.1. Formal Cooperative Learning Groups

3.2. Informal Cooperative Learnig Groups

3.3. Cooperative base groups

4. History

4.1. John Dewey is credited with this system. Promoted in 1960's and 1970's.

5. Benefits

5.1. In second language.Extension of the CTL

5.2. Learning is learner-centered, not teacher fronted.

5.3. Social skill develoment.

6. Learner's roles

6.1. Learning working cooperatively.

6.2. Directing their own learning.

6.3. In pair like: tutors, chekers, recorders, info shares.

7. Teacher's roles

7.1. Settings goals

7.2. Planning and structuring taks

7.3. Establish the physical arrangement in the classroom.