Changes with Aging

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Changes with Aging por Mind Map: Changes with Aging

1. Neurological Changes

1.1. Fraility

1.2. Failure to thrive

1.3. Impaired Cognition

1.3.1. Delerium

1.3.2. Dementia Alzheimer's Disease Parkinson's disease, Aids, trauma and toxins

1.4. Altered Sleep

1.4.1. Insomnia

1.4.2. Sleep Apnea

1.5. Reduction in neurons, nerve fibers and cerebral blood flow

2. Physical Appearance

2.1. Hair loss, graying

2.2. wrinkles

2.3. loss of tissue elasticity

2.4. diminished stature

3. Respiratory System

3.1. Calcification of costal cartilage

3.2. rib cage more rigid

3.3. reduced cough and laryngeal reflex

3.4. increased residual capacity

3.5. reduced vital capacity

3.6. COPD

3.6.1. asthma

3.6.2. chronic bronchitis

3.6.3. emphysema

3.7. Lung Cancer

3.8. Lung Abscess

4. Renal System

4.1. Hypertrophy and thickening of bladder muscles

4.2. kidney filtration decreases

4.3. daytime urinary frequency/nocturia

4.4. Inefficient neurological control of bladder emptying and weaker bladder muscles

4.5. Urinary incontinence

4.5.1. stress

4.5.2. urgency

4.5.3. overflow

4.5.4. neurogenic

4.5.5. functional

4.5.6. mixed

4.6. Bladder cancer

4.7. Renal calculi

4.8. Glomerulonephritis

5. Musculoskeletal System

5.1. decline in size and number of muscle fibers, reduction in muscle mass

5.2. decreased body strength

5.3. endurance declines

5.4. reduced flexibility

5.5. brittle bones

5.5.1. fractures

5.5.2. osteoporosis

5.6. osteoarthritis

5.7. rheumatoid arthritis

5.8. gout

6. Endocrine

6.1. diminished adrenal function

6.2. ACTH secretion decreases

6.3. insufficient insulin release

6.3.1. reduced sensitivity to insulin type 2 dm

6.4. volume of pituitary gland decreases

6.5. thyroid gland atrophy

6.5.1. decreased function primary hypothyroidism secondary hypothyroidism uncontrolled weight gain

6.6. diabetes

6.7. hypothyroidism

7. Reproductive System

7.1. Males

7.1.1. Andropause: decreased sperm count/testosterone

7.1.2. Erectile Dysfunction: can't maintain an erection

7.1.3. Prostate Enlargement

7.2. Females

7.2.1. Less vascular epithelium and thinner

7.2.2. Produce less secretory fluid

7.2.3. Uterus shrinks

7.2.4. Ovary changes: becoming thicker and smaller

7.2.5. Cervix gets smaller

7.2.6. Flatter Labia, loss of SubQ fat

7.2.7. Menopause

7.2.8. Cancer Breast Cancer Cancer of the Vagina Cervix Cancer Ovarian Cancer

7.2.9. Prolapsed Uterus

8. Cardiovascular System

8.1. heart muscles loosen

8.2. reduced cardiac output

8.3. thick and rigid valves

8.4. blood vessels reduce elasticity

8.5. oxygen used less efficiently

8.6. hypertension/hypotension

8.7. congestive heart failure

8.8. pulmonary emboli

8.9. hyperlipidemia

8.10. Varicose Veins

8.11. Heart Failure

9. Gastrointestinal System

9.1. less acute taste sensation

9.2. decreased esophageal motility

9.2.1. dysphagia

9.3. atrophy of small and large intestines

9.4. increased risk for aspiration, indigestion and constipation

9.5. Xerostomia- from decreased saliva production

9.6. Hiatal Hernia

9.7. Esophageal Cancer/Stomach cancer/colorectal cancer

9.8. Peptic Ulcer disease

9.9. Diverticular disease

9.10. Intestinal Obstruction

10. Integumentary

10.1. reduced thickness and vascularity of the dermis

10.2. degeneration of elasticitc fibers

10.3. increased coarseness of collagen

10.4. reduction of melanocytes

10.5. decline in hair and nail growth

10.6. skin becomes more fragile

10.7. body image misconceptions

10.8. pruritus

10.9. keratosis

10.9.1. actinic or solar keratoses

10.10. seborrhea keratosis

10.11. skin cancer

10.11.1. basal cell carcinoma

10.11.2. squamous cell carcinoma

10.11.3. melanoma

10.12. stasis dermatitis

10.13. pressure ulcers

11. Sensation

11.1. vision

11.1.1. reduced elasticity and stiffening of the muscle fibers on the lens decreased ability to focus presbyopia

11.1.2. reduced pupil size

11.1.3. opacification of th lens and vitreous

11.1.4. light perception decreases

11.1.5. dark and light adaptation takes longer

11.1.6. difficulty night vision

11.1.7. disorder depth perception

11.1.8. clouding of lens cataracts

11.1.9. damage to optic nerve glaucoma

11.1.10. corneal ulcer

11.1.11. detached retina

11.2. hearing

11.2.1. impacting communication sensorineural hearing loss presbycusis

11.2.2. impacted cerumen

11.2.3. otosclerosis

11.2.4. tinnitus

11.3. additional:

11.3.1. taste buds decrease

11.3.2. decreased tactile sensation

11.3.3. cant differentiate temperatures