what is the connection between video games and teens?

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what is the connection between video games and teens? por Mind Map: what is the connection between video games and teens?

1. video games cause aggression

1.1. young kids and teens are playing violent video games and it is causing some of them to be aggressive."Anderson, Craig A"

1.1.1. I do not the that violent video games have made me any more aggressive but this person thinks that it does."High levels of exposure to violent video games have been linked to forms of physically violent behavior, as well as other less extreme types of aggression."Anderson, Craig A" I think that people video games like gta or call of duty are making kids a teens learn bad ways and violence.

1.1.2. In my opion video games with violence do not make you more aggressive but according to these people do"Past research has shown that identifying oneself with a violent character can increase the effect of the media violence exposure"Anderson, Craig A" I think that they are saying if you have a character that you make and he has any violence to him it could make you become that character.

1.2. violent video games, movies and tv show are increasing the amount of violence in society."Bailey, Ronald"

1.2.1. To me i think that if there is something bad in the media and a kid or a teen sees it they could copy the behavior. "Does Doing Media Violence Research Make One Aggressive?"Bailey, Ronald.¨ If there is someting wrong or bad in the media a kid or teen might do the same thing.

1.2.2. when a kid or sees they do and I think that this part is true. "monkey see/monkey do."¨Bailey, Ronald.¨ when a monkey see a monkey will do same with kids and teens.

1.3. because video games have aggression that makes kids aggressive.

1.4. because movies, TV shows and media cause aggression for kids or teens.

2. video games do not cause agresstion

2.1. violence in video games do not lead to aggression in teens. ¨Kain, Eric.¨

2.1.1. I think this means that it can cause some aggression but not a lot."High levels of exposure to violent video games have been linked to forms of physically violent behavior, as well as other less extreme types of aggression." ¨Kain, Eric..¨ of course a video games with violence can make you know what that stuff is but it doesn't make you aggressive.

2.1.2. this shows that some games can help you learn things and is not always bad."Television, movies, music, and interactive games are powerful learning tools, and highly influential media." ¨Kain, Eric..¨ they can make you learn thing but not do things.

2.2. the kids are paying violent games but its not making them violent,"Firefight: should"

2.2.1. video games are just video games they are not dangerous."Other researchers disagree, however. They say violent video games are just that--games--and that playing them is no more harmful than watching graphic movies or TV shows."Firefight: should" games are just games they shouldn't make you aggressive there has to be something else going on.

2.2.2. there are some cases where its video games but alot of times its not "Although there are some studies that find links between violent games and mild forms of aggression, there are also studies which find no evidence for any links at all,"Firefight: should" video games make you know what violence is but it doesn't make you wanna do that same thing.

2.3. just because the game is violent doesn't mean it made that kid violent.

2.4. just because the games are violent does not mean its bad and can make you violent.