What is the connection between violent video games and school violence?

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What is the connection between violent video games and school violence? por Mind Map: What is the connection between violent video games and school violence?

1. Violent video games don't cause school violence.

1.1. David Kushner states in his article "there is no causal link between violent games and violent criminal activity."(Kushner)

1.1.1. David Kushner professor of journalism at New York University and author of Violent video games don't cause aggression recalls "just 12 percent of the video games sold were violent enough to bear an M-rating [mature] by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board"(Kushner) This quote shows that there is very little amount of violence in video games.

1.1.2. Dr.Karen Dill one of the most cited studies informs us "Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life"—admits "hearing the noise is not harmful."(Kushner). This quote means that it is not harmful in any way to hear violent noise.

1.2. State Benjamin Radford "Violent video games have been around since 1991, yet clear evidence of any harm has yet to emerge."(Radford)

1.2.1. Benjamin Radford the author of Video Games Have not been Proven to Harm Teens shares with us" approximately 200 studies on media violence are remarkable primarily for their inconsistency and weak conclusions."(Radford) This quote make me think that if the conclusions weak so is the evidence.

1.2.2. Benjamin Radford the author of Video Games Have not been Proven to Harm Teens states "...video game critics fail to show where, exactly, the real-world evidence of harm lies."(Radford) This matters because if there is no evidence there is no proof.

1.3. Because there is no connection.

1.4. Because there is no evidence.

2. Violent video games cause school violence.

2.1. State a worried mom and author Marybeth "Violent video games in fact are a true problem, mainly for the younger children, sadly parents are more obvious than we think. "(Marybeth) .

2.1.1. Marybeth a mom and journalist sates "71 percent of video games contained at least some mild violence"(Marybeth) This quote shows that everything we do has violence.

2.1.2. Marybeth A mother and the author of Violent video games create unhealthy emotions claims "2011 study proved that violent games impact a child's moral reasoning, teaching children that violence is acceptable and sometimes the best response"(Marybeth). This quote makes me think that we are in danger because we can't think straight after playing video games.

2.2. New research shows that media including video games are leading to a rise in violent and aggressive behavior.(Ronald)

2.2.1. University of New Mexico pediatrician Victor Strasburger estimated that "10 percent to 30 percent of the violence in society was attributable to media content."(Ronald) this maters because 1/3 of our society has experience violence every day of their life.

2.2.2. The author of kill pixels not people Ronald Bailey states " FBI reported that the violent crime rate has fallen by nearly 70 percent over the past 20 years."(Ronald). This quote shows that there is still a lot of violence.

2.3. Because there are always violent video games in our life.

2.4. Because doctors have see the boost of bad pheromones that are in your head after playing violent video games