What is the relationship between bullying and mental health effects?

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What is the relationship between bullying and mental health effects? von Mind Map: What is the relationship between bullying and mental health effects?

1. Bullying does have negative mental health effects.

1.1. Bullying should no longer be trivialized as "kids just being kids" or accepted because "kids need to learn to stand up for themselves." Bullying is an assault, and until people recognize it as such and take steps to prevent it, teens will continue to commit bullycide . ( Ollove )

1.1.1. 1 in 3 students between the ages of 12 and 18 reported being bullied in school. Eight years earlier, only 14 percent of that population said they had experienced bullying ( most of the time the internet doesnt look at what you look at to help you

1.1.2. Studies show that bullying often causes depression, further isolation, absenteeism, an aversion to risk-taking, and poor academic performance. Most of the time, the victim can't handle the problem without help ( bulling in school leads to more suicidal teens then online

1.2. Targets of cyberbullying often experience stress and anxiety and are frequently afraid or embarrassed to go to school or be seen by their peers. Like regular bullying, cyberbullying can have serious consequences, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and academic problems, among others. ( Hinduja )

1.2.1. cyberbullied youth also report having suicidal thoughts, and there have been a number of examples and abroad where youth who were victimized ended up taking their own lives. ( Hinduja ) people being cyber bulled with the youth have had reported of suicidal thoughts

1.2.2. many targets report feeling depressed, sad, angry, and frustrated. As one teenager : "It makes me hurt both physically and mentally. It scares me and takes away all my confidence. It makes me feel sick and worthless." when some feels physically and mental hurt that is a problem with the police especially if it is physical

2. because bullying leads to suicide

3. because bullying leads to stress which can then cause mental health problems.

4. because mental illness has it's own causes in the brain, not in other people's behavior

5. Bullying does not cause negative mental health effects.

5.1. Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we're getting the facts wrong. (McBride )

5.1.1. "Clearly allowing police to make statements about whether a bullying incident was the cause of the suicide is contrary to suicide reporting recommendations. He has no training to make this judgment," said Dan Romer "It would have been good if those quotes had been put into context if they felt the need to include them. At this point, the stories are a lot of hearsay. So, it's a shame that the girls are being identified. But this sheriff is clearly on the warpath about this and he can get all the media attention he wants." ( Ollove ) when teenagers are deppresed or something you cannot blame for teens killing them self

5.2. While bullying may push a despairing youth over the edge, and while gay youths may be especially vulnerable, most who kill themselves have something else in common. They are depressed or have another mental illness. And while some act with youthful impulsivity, many have been flashing ( Painter )

5.2.1. "There are signs, but a lot of times parents are not very good at detecting them," says Paula Clayton , American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. ( McBride ) this show that a teen is depressed parents are not aware

5.2.2. And, often, teens do their best to hide their pain, ( McBride ) so social media cant be blamed

6. because kids have always bullied each other -- and it's nothing new.