what is most effective bullying type?

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what is most effective bullying type? por Mind Map: what is most effective bullying type?

1. Face-to-face bullying is the most effective form of bullying.

1.1. Katelyn Pelrine, a fourth-grader at the Perry School in South Boston, recently lost an alarming 24 pounds in one month(laura crimaldi). .

1.1.1. In an alarming 2002 survey, the Families and Work Institute found that 60 percent of bullies will have a criminal record by age 24. this makes me think if there always a connection or reason why criminals do things

1.1.2. And even with the heightened attention around bullying, including anti-bullying laws in 17 states, parents and students still have heartbreaking stories of torment they feel have fallen on deaf ears. This matter because this means people are actully trying to solve bullying

1.2. the news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Griffith University, "Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, the current research examined how individual and organisational factors were related to WB(work bullying) and CB(cyber-bullying) at two time points three months apart(Predictors of Workplace Bullying and Cyber-Bullying in New Zealand).

1.2.1. Rates of cyber bellying were lower than those of work bullying, This quote shows that cyber bullying is going down as people are more adapted to it

1.2.2. One hundred and twenty-three (15%) of participants had been bullied and 23 (2.8%) of participants had been cyber-bullied within the last six months(. This quote means bullying happened more frequent than cyber bullying

1.3. Because I believe face to face bullying is the most effective form of bullying because

1.4. Because I believe face to face bullying is the most effective form of bullying because

2. Cyberbully is the most effective form of bullying.

2.1. Twelve-year-old Rebecca Ann Sedwick briefly stayed with her older sister in St. Petersburg last June)Tampa Bay Times).

2.1.1. Cyberbullying affects 1 in 5 children, according to Florida Atlantic University criminology professor Sameer Hinduja. this matter because alor more children than we think are being afffected.

2.1.2. Also, cyberbullying can be difficult to escape. With the social media, text messages and smartphones, schoolhouse issues can follow children home. The Quote shows internet is a dangerous place and makes people more brave.

2.2. Psychologist Marilyn Campbell says cyberspace gave students "strength" in a world where muscle no longer mattered(Melbourne, Australia).

2.2.1. A survey of 518 female students aged 11 to 19 tested the hypothesis that the students who cyber-bullied would also bully face to face. this quote means that kids will cyber bully more then face to face bullying

2.2.2. only 30 per cent said they also bullied in person, while 70 per cent said they had only ever cyber-bullied this quote means that you dont have to be physical or mentally better than the perosn your trying yo bully

2.3. Because I believe cyber bullying is the most effective form of bullying because

2.4. Because I believe cyber bullying is the most effective form of bullying because