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The Traveller's Wife создатель Mind Map: The Traveller's Wife

1. "Why Should I Care?"


1.1.1. Henry never knows where and when time will split him out next

1.1.2. Neither the past nor the future

1.1.3. How often do we escape our present, cruising through life on autopilot, waiting for better days, or missing the ones that have passed?

2. Themes

2.1. Life

2.1.1. Determinism

2.1.2. Free will

2.2. Love

2.3. Death

2.4. Travel

2.5. Sex

3. Reception

3.1. USA

3.1.1. The New York Times

3.1.2. The New Yorker

3.1.3. Book Tour

3.2. Britain

3.2.1. 45,000 copies in 1 week

3.2.2. The Observer: a publishing sensation

3.3. 15 countries

3.4. Niffenegger's second novel: "Her Fearful Symmetry"

4. Composition

4.1. Clare is NOT a self-portrait

4.2. Her parents' marriage as an inspiration

4.3. A metaphor of her own love affairs

5. Genre

5.1. Science fiction

5.2. Romantic

5.3. Time travel stories


6.1. The Beginning of the couple's meetings

6.1.1. When Clare is six years old and Henry 26

6.1.2. Clare: 18 years old, Henry: 38

6.2. Their relationship and wedding

6.2.1. Clare is left alone 3 times on their wedding day

6.2.2. Clare said NO the first time Henry proposed to her

6.3. Their having a child

6.3.1. 6 miscarriages

6.3.2. 1 full term pregnancy

6.3.3. 1 vasectomy

6.3.4. ALBA is born A time traveler, too But she has control over her 'travels' A music prodigy, taking after her grandparents (Henry's parents)

6.4. Their last meeting ?

6.5. Henry's death - or not?

6.5.1. Clare devastated

6.5.2. 'Stop waiting' from Henry in a letter

6.5.3. Clare 82, Henry 43: they meet again (for the last time?)