ICT-skilled? Research proposal Fall 2008 Sólveig Jakobsdóttir University of Iceland ICT & Media R...

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ICT-skilled? Research proposal Fall 2008 Sólveig Jakobsdóttir University of Iceland ICT & Media Res.Center by Mind Map: ICT-skilled? Research proposal Fall 2008 Sólveig Jakobsdóttir University of Iceland ICT & Media Res.Center

1. D. Co-operation (domestic/foreign)

1.1. University of Minnesota

1.1.1. Mexico

1.1.2. China

1.2. University of Oslo

1.3. Lýðheilsustöð?

1.4. 3F?

1.5. Heimili og skóli/Saft

1.6. Námsgagnastofnun, Skólavefurinn?

2. E. Contribution of doctoral and master's students to the project

2.1. Gréta Björk Guðmundsdóttir, PhD Univ. of Oslo

2.1.1. ICT, skills, attitudes, South Africa

2.2. Tryggvi Thayer, PhD U of Minnesota

2.2.1. ICT, skills, Finland, Singapour

2.3. Bergþóra Þórhallsdóttir, MEd University of Iceland

2.3.1. ICT, primary/lower secondary, school curriculum, Iceland

2.4. Þórdís T. Þórarinsdóttir, PhD University of Minnesota

2.4.1. information literacy, upper secondary level, Iceland

3. F. Proposed deliverables and impact

3.1. Icelandic web on ecompetences

3.2. Proposed indicators/(national/school) framework

3.3. M.Ed. (1), PhD (3)

3.4. ICT skills in different cultural contexts

3.5. Ways to measure skills (projects)

3.6. Learning materials/teaching methods (developed/tested)

4. G. Proposed publication of results

4.1. Conferences

4.1.1. Ecompetencies

4.2. Co-seminars

4.3. Articles

5. B. Objectives of the project and originality

6. A. State of the art and proficiency

6.1. Skills

6.1.1. Europe

6.1.2. US/Canada

6.1.3. global

6.1.4. Icelandic students

6.1.5. Digital divide

6.1.6. Problems - ways to deal with

7. C. Methodology, work plan and timescale

7.1. Surveys

7.2. Literature research, document analysis

7.3. Observations, interviews

7.4. Projects/tests

7.5. Action research

7.6. Data from

7.6.1. UK

7.6.2. Iceland

7.6.3. Finnland

7.6.4. South Africa

7.6.5. Singapour

7.6.6. Minnesota?