1. Career Clusters
1.1. My top 3 clusters are human services, government and public administrations, and transportation, distribution and logistics.
1.1.1. Human Services: preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs
1.1.2. The Government and Public Administration: executing governmental functions to include governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, regulation and management and administration at the local, state and federal levels
1.1.3. Distribution and Logistics: planning, management and movement of people, materials and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail, water and related professional and technical support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment, and facility maintenance”.
1.2. The 5 occupations that interest me is Baking, Catering, Culinary (cook), Basic Wood Manufacturing, and Driver & Safety Education.
2. Abilities
2.1. My top 3 abilities are numerical ability, finger dexterity, and form perception.
2.1.1. Numerical Ability: ability to solve math problems quickly and accurately.
2.1.2. Finger Dexterity: ability to move your fingers and manipulate small objects with your fingers rapidly and/or accurately.
2.1.3. Form Perception: ability to perceive pertinent detail in objects and in pictorial and graphic material; to make visual comparisons and discrimination and to see slight differences in shapes and shadings of figures and widths and lengths of lines.
2.2. The 5 occupations that interest me is a baker, carpenter, chef and specialist chef, cook, and photographer
3. People, Data, and Things
3.1. The 5 occupations that interest me are baker, actors and comedians, chefs, busker, and sous chef.
3.1.1. The controlling/driving and operating (thing): you connect with work that involves controlling, driving and operating things.
3.1.2. The instructing and consulting/supervising (people: you engage in work that involves instructing, consulting or supervising people.
3.1.3. Copying/comparing (data): you seek out work that involves copying or comparing data.
4. Work Preferences
4.1. My top 3 preferred methods are objective, methodical, and innovative.
4.1.1. Objective: objective people enjoy working with tools, equipment, instruments and machinery.
4.1.2. Methodical: methodical persons like to have clear rules and organized methods to guide their activities.
4.1.3. Innovative: innovative persons like to explore things in depth and arrive at solutions to problems by experimenting.
4.2. The 5 occupations I would prefer is an air traffic controller, baker, bartender, carver, and chef.
5. Values
5.1. My top 5 work values Include...
5.1.1. * My work motivates me to work with and help with people.
5.1.2. * I would like to travel and go to different places.
5.1.3. * I like to compete and put your skills and abilities against others.
5.1.4. * I like work where you can solve problems and decide how things should be done.
5.1.5. * I want a calm, peaceful work setting and you would like to work outside all or some of the time.
6. Multiple Intelligences
6.1. My top 3 intelligences are Visual Learning, Auditory Learning, and Tactile Learning.
6.1.1. Visual Learning: Visual learning is a style in which a learner utilizes graphs, charts, maps and diagrams (e.g, looking at graphs to get an answer).
6.1.2. Auditory Learning: As an auditory learner, you learn best when you can hear the information such as teacher lectures and classroom discussions (e.g, listening to a video teaching you anything).
6.1.3. Tactile Learning: As a tactile learner, you learn best from hands-on experience where you can manipulate something in order to learn about it (e.g, learning how to use a drill by getting help using a drill).
7. Seeing, Hearing, Doing
7.1. The top results are hearing (1st), seeing (2nd), and doing (3rd).
7.1.1. Hearing: You need to hear information and learn best from lectures and conversations.
7.1.2. Doing: You need to receive information through touch and feel and learn best from hands-on work and movement.
7.1.3. Seeing: You need to see information in a visual format and learn best from written information, diagrams, and pictures.