lecture 5 fly2work (new zeland) and other

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lecture 5 fly2work (new zeland) and other por Mind Map: lecture 5 fly2work (new zeland) and other

1. key areas

1.1. marketing

1.1.1. market demand supply prices

1.2. revenue

1.3. Human

1.4. Assets

1.5. cost

1.6. financials

1.7. decisions

1.7.1. analising planning organisig

2. types of plans 1

2.1. goals

2.1.1. desired state of affairs which an organisation want to realise

2.2. strategy

2.2.1. a comprehensive plan for accomplishing an organisation’s objectives (actions, resources)

2.3. objectives

2.3.1. quantitative, measurable, concrete planned target within a given period of time

2.4. policy

2.4.1. general statement that guide thinking in decision making

2.5. procedure

2.5.1. routine steps on how to carry out activities

2.6. methods

2.6.1. formalised and standardised way of accomplishing repetitive and routine jobs

2.7. rule

2.7.1. specific statement that tells managers what is to be done

2.8. programme

2.8.1. detailed statements about a project (human & physical resources, budget)

2.9. budget

2.9.1. statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms

3. timerame for plans

3.1. mission

3.1.1. timeless, reason for existence

3.2. vision

3.2.1. 5 years+, picture of success

3.3. goals

3.3.1. long term 3-5 years

3.4. major business objectives

3.4.1. short term 1 year, departmental

3.5. strategies

3.5.1. quartely

3.6. tactics,projects,tasks

3.6.1. monthly

4. type plan 2

4.1. business plan

4.2. yearly budget

4.3. forecast

4.4. project plan

4.5. action plan

4.6. feasibility sudy

4.6.1. market technical (more 3-5 years), economic, legal, operational

5. price of programme 800000-3000000

5.1. application sending to London and getting back

6. programme

6.1. closest time of flight - ticket more expensive

6.1.1. helping with fly ticket

6.2. taxi - helper

6.2.1. where to go

6.2.2. what to do

7. intership

7.1. f&b position

7.2. applicants feb-july

7.3. 6-12 month

7.3.1. not include the flight ticket (ticket is not free)

7.4. the Broadmoor hotel 5*

7.4.1. smiling good relationship

7.5. Sea Island hotel

7.5.1. taking students last 2 years 500$ to apply for visa

8. marketing management function

8.1. positing the property

8.2. establishing objectives