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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Summative

1.1. Definition: to evaluate students at the end of a unit or year and compare their knowledge to a set standard or score.

1.1.1. Examples: 1. Benchmark 2. Final Project

2. Performance

2.1. Definition: Test students by asking them to perform a task rather than choose an answer from a formulated test.

2.1.1. Examples: 1. Group Projects 2. Written Assignments

3. Diagonostics

3.1. Definition: A pre-assessment to check what students already know before you teach the topic. It lets the teacher know what to hit on and what misconceptions to address with the students.

3.1.1. Examples: 1. Pre-quiz 2. Graphic Organizer

4. Formative

4.1. Definition: To monitor students learning by identifying strengths and weaknesses and providing feedback to the teacher and students to improve their learning.

4.1.1. Examples: 1. Having the students write an exit ticket on the main points of the class. 2. Having the students play a game over key concepts to check their understanding.

5. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. Definition: Periodic testing throughout the school year. It's very low level but a little more formal using test and projects.

5.1.1. Examples: 1. Six weeks test 2. Chapter Test/Project

6. H.O.T. Questions

6.1. Opening Questions

6.1.1. What are the parts of the plot chart?

6.1.2. How would you compare the plot chart to the summary of a story?

6.1.3. How could you explain the importance of the plot chart to a friend?

6.2. Guiding Questions

6.2.1. How would you solve the problem our character is having based the information in the text so far?

6.2.2. What is your opinion of the solution to the problem in the story?

6.3. Closing Questions

6.3.1. How would you summarize the story?

6.3.2. What would you change about the ending of our story?

6.3.3. How would you compare the two characters in the story?