SmartLab Monster Quiz

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SmartLab Monster Quiz by Mind Map: SmartLab Monster Quiz

1. Monster Quiz can be used for any content area as the teacher customizes the Quiz and creates the questions. Which also means it meets grade level standards and classroom objectives.

1.1. In addition, Monster Quiz allows teachers to formatively assess student as well as collect data on their performance throughout the quiz.

1.1.1. This allows teachers to analyze data and determine how to tailor instruction to meet the needs of all students. Monster Quiz can be used often as a quick Pre or Post assessment to continually assess students' comprehension so lessons and activities can be adjusted to better fit students' needs.

2. Monster Quiz is easy to create and allows teachers to quickly make an engaging, collaborative activities for students.

2.1. This allows for differentiated instruction as it provides students with different avenues to learning. For example, students are working in groups which can be grouped by common interests or ability.

3. Teachers can use Monster Quiz to increase rigor of whole class/direct instruction.

3.1. Teachers can increase the academic level of questions to foster deeper critical thinking and who class discussions.

3.1.1. After each round of play the teacher can bring the class together to discuss some or all of the problems. The teacher can have students elaborate on their thinking and delve deeper into the reasoning behind their answers. This can also foster a friendly debate between differing ideas and problem solving.

4. This game allows for the class to think more critically about problems by discussing misconceptions and reviewing incorrect answers.

4.1. As some students will get answers incorrect, this will allow for a classroom discussion on common mistakes made in certain concepts. Students learn well from making mistakes as well as figuring out what mistake was made to reach an incorrect solution. This will help students highlight some misconceptions they may have when solving problems.

5. Student-led teaching is a wonderful teaching strategy that is easy to implement when playing Monster Quiz. After each round the teacher can have students come up to the board to review the questions and answers with the class. Students will work out problems on the board and answer their peers' questions.

5.1. Student-led teaching allows for students to take on a role they may never have led before. This allows for more critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, students will learn from their peers' different ideas and thought processes.

5.1.1. Student as teachers allows for more meaningful conversations as the students are leading the discussions. They will choose what concepts they are most confused about and require more discussion time.

6. Students are able to use laptops, iPads or smartphones to interact with the Quiz. Which means that the teacher does not have to rely on every student arriving to class with one specific device. Every student can engage in the activity regardless of their device.

7. Students work together in groups to compete against each other in Monster Quiz.

7.1. As a group they answer questions and receive points for every correct answer. The team to answer the most questions correctly wins.

7.2. Working together in groups will foster mathematical discourse. Students will be able to discuss and rationalize their answers together as a group.

7.2.1. Cooperative learning is key to student comprehension. It also increases their engagement, communication skills and problem solving skills.

8. Monster Quiz can facilitate teaching strategies such as peer tutoring by pairing up low achieving students with high achieving students.

8.1. This allows for higher achieving students to help lower achieving students comprehend critical concepts they may be struggling with. This strategy can help low achieving students overcome some misconceptions they may have regarding certain concepts/topics.

8.2. Peer tutoring also helps with classroom management. Often times in classrooms where there is a large gap in achievement there can be major classroom distractions as some students may feel lost or behind while others feel bored.

8.2.1. Peer tutoring helps bridge the gap between achievement in the classroom and can therefore lower classroom distractions.

9. Feedback is key to learning and Monster Quiz gives immediate feedback followed by more specific feedback from the teacher.

9.1. Instant feedback is key to letting students know what concepts they are getting correct or incorrect. This is easy to do in any instructional activity. However, specific feedback is harder to incorporate in whole class instruction.

9.1.1. Through Monster Quiz however, specific feedback is implemented very easily. After each round the teacher can take time to discuss what concepts students are understanding well and why as well as discuss what concepts students are still struggling with and what exactly they need to work on.