Numbers and Questions

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Numbers and Questions by Mind Map: Numbers and Questions

1. One 1 Uno

2. Two 2 Dos

3. Four 4 Cuatro

4. Six 6 Seis

5. Eigth 8 Ocho

6. Ten 10 Diez

7. Thirteen 13 Trece

8. Fifteen 15 Quince

9. Seventeen 17 Diecisiete

10. Nineteen 19 Diecinueve

11. Twenty 20 Veinte

12. Fifty 50 Cincuenta

13. Seventy 70 Setenta

14. how many brothers you have?

15. Ninety 90 Noventa

16. One Hundred 100 Cien

17. in what year were you born?

18. What is your phone number?

19. three 3 Tres

20. Five 5 Cinco

21. Seven 7 siete

22. Nine 9 Nueve

23. Eleven 11 Once

24. Twelve 12 Doce

25. Fourteen 14 Catorce

26. Sixteen 16 Dieciséis

27. Eighteen 18 Dieciocho

28. Thirty 30 Treinta

29. Forty 40 Cuarenta

30. Sixty 60 Sesenta

31. Eighty 80 Ochenta

32. what time is it?

33. how old are you?