The relationship between technology, science, society and ideology

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The relationship between technology, science, society and ideology by Mind Map: The relationship between technology, science, society and ideology

1. Sustainability and stewardship

1.1. finite and renewable resources

1.2. British fishing industry

2. Industry and ecology

2.1. impact of an industrial town on local ecosystem - case study Middlesbrough

3. Natural hazards and disasters, relief and rescue

3.1. Priorities for relief and rescue

3.2. forecasting and preventing disaster

3.3. disasters caused by human action

3.4. natural disaster

4. resource exploitation

4.1. mining in Tibet

4.2. Blood diamonds from Africa

4.3. Antartica

5. Intermediate technology and development

5.1. Electric light in Africa

5.2. efficient and smokeless cooking in Africa

5.3. using native technologies

6. How did your problem solving project explore this topic - case study to use in exam: