Virtual Reality

Group 3 17221749 Lee Hiu Ying 17222214 Wu Cheuk Hin 17231450 Tong Wing Mei 17225205 Lo Wing Sze 17224306 Fung Man Lung

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Virtual Reality by Mind Map: Virtual Reality

1. Information Searching Methods

1.1. Search engine

1.1.1. Google

1.1.2. Yahoo

1.2. Search Operators

1.2.1. "Virtual reality history"

1.2.2. "Virtual reality development"

1.2.3. "Virtual reality applications"

1.2.4. Virtual reality advantages OR disadvantages

2. Online Survey

2.1. Background

2.1.1. Aims To investigate into the advanced technology - Virtual Reality in Hong Kong

2.1.2. Questions 12

2.1.3. Survey Link

2.2. Result

2.2.1. 63 responses Age 71.4% are from 11-20 years old 23.8% are from 21- 30 years old Gender 63.5% are Female 36.5% are Male

3. Improvement

3.1. Higher resolution

3.2. Update streaming solution

4. Conclusion

4.1. New technology

4.1.1. Not widely used yet

4.2. Public hold an open attitude to it

4.3. More competitive if less expensive

4.4. Room for improvements

5. What is Virtual Reality?

6. Advanatges

6.1. Immersive

6.2. Match with somatosensory technology perfectly

6.3. Simple version products become popularized

7. Disadvanatges

7.1. Low resolution

7.2. Outdated streaming solutions

7.3. Feel dizzy

8. History

8.1. 1987

8.1.1. Born of the name "Virtual Reality"

8.2. 1990s

8.2.1. Game companies develop VR-related products Sega VR headset for arcade games Nintendo Virtual Boy

8.3. 21st Century

8.3.1. Rapid advancement in VR technology

8.3.2. A lot of Modern VR products released Google street view Samsung Gear VR Google Cardboard

9. Applications

9.1. Aviation

9.1.1. Virtual Reality Flight Training

9.2. Business

9.2.1. VR Remote Training Employees

9.3. Education

9.3.1. Virtual reality astronomy

9.4. Entertainment

9.4.1. Virtual Reality Roller Coaster

10. Video

11. Background

11.1. Definition

11.1.1. Computer-generated scenario stimulates realistic + life-like experience

11.2. Components

11.2.1. Combination of VR tools, physical environment(PC) and Input devices

11.3. Well-known in Entertainment purpose

11.3.1. Theme Park

11.3.2. Video games

11.3.3. VR videos & movies

12. VR in HK

12.1. Virtual Reality Gaming Arcade in HK