The Road Trip
by Patrick Shields
2. Science
3. Sub Strand: Researching
4. Sub Strand Biological Scienc
5. Students are to do some research regarding 6 animals that are found in either mountains, forests and beaches. Students are to note down the distinguishing features about each animal. Once they have done this, they are to create different categories in which the animals can be grouped into eg fluffy tail, long hair. Students are then to guess how each of their peers have decided to group the animals.
6. Activity Name: Animal Grouping
7. The Arts
8. Sub Strand: Skils
9. Activity Name: Picture Perfect
10. Once completion of the story, students are required to take out their art pads. Once they have taken out their pads, explain to students that they are to create a new animal or person to go into the story. The animal can be either a known one or the students can make one up for themselves. Like the curriculum link states, students should pay attention to shape, colour, line, space and texture. Once students have completed their animal to add into the story they all get a chance to present to the class and explain why they have decided to add this animal into the text.
11. Sub Strnad: Biological Science + Evaluating
12. Activity Name: Seeds
13. Students will plant seeds and attempt to grow them. Students will record information each day in a diary. The students will write down what they are seeing happening to the seed. e.g starts sprouting.
14. Activity Name:
15. Students are to research famous beaches, forests or mountains. Once they have done this they write down interesting statistcs then share it with the class. This leads into a class discussion
16. Students in groups decide which would be a good location to go on a road trip to. They weigh up the pros and the cons of each place. They present there ideas in a whole class discussion
17. English
18. Sub strand: Literature and Context
19. Activity Name: Classroom discussiom
20. Activity Description: Teacher is to start a classroom discussion once they have completed reading the book. To start the class discussion the teacher can ask questions such as: How are the characters portrayed? How did the setting influence the text? Where would you like to go on a road trip? What is a Road Trip? The teacher should watch on and take notes during the class discussion.
21. Sub Strand: Creating Literature
22. Activity Name: My Road Trip
23. Students are to create a brainstorm of places they would like to go on a road trip. Once they have finished this students should put them into a modified version of the text. Students will then share their version of the text to small groups in the classroom.
24. Sub Strand: Responding to Literature
25. Activity Name: Road Trip
26. Student should understand what a Road Trip is or may have been on one. Students are to note down where they have been on a road trip or where they would like to go. They should comment if they enjoyed the trip and they reasons why they would go back. Or comment on why they want to go to the certain place. Teacher is then to facilitate a discussion within the classroom.
27. Sub Strand: Examining Literature
28. Sub Strand: Language for interaction
29. Activity Name: Language Locator
30. Students are to locate and record different forms of evaluative language. Once they have recored this, they are to find the dictionary definition for each one and also make a list of synonyms for the word that could also be used in the text. Students are to then create a scale which words will be situated on one end and the most forceful on the other. The students must place the words they have found somewhere on the scale. Once this is completed they can share to the class.
31. Sub Strand: Expressing and Developing ideas
32. Activity Name: Verb Scanner
33. Once the completion of reading the text, the students are to go through the text one more time. However instead of just reading the text this time students are to pay close attention to then sentences and the verbs that are include in the text. Once students have located all the verbs in the text they are to list them down. From the list they must identify what tense they are in; past, present or future tense. The students are then to add onto their list by adding two verb tenses to the list. E.g if the word is going they can add gone and going to.Students are to then keep these verbs and verb tenses in their workbooks to access whenever they need during a writing lesson.
34. Sub Strand: Expressing and Developing ideas
35. Activity Name: Professional Photographer
36. Once teacher has finished reading the text, students are to select a certain scene from within the text, of which they are to annotate. When the students are annotating, they are to be paying attention to the different visual techniques used in this text, such as shot size, camera angle and layout. They should also be looking at each characters positioning in regards to each other and different locations within the text. Focus on how the environments is portrayed. Once they have completed their annotation, they are to share with the class.
37. Sub Strand: Examining Literature
38. Activity Name: Mood Monitor
39. Students are to select and page from the text. Once they have selected a page, they are to change the mood of a page by adding somehting of there choice. This can be done through language, as it can describe the setting in the text and the setting can influence the mood in the text.
40. Sub Strand: Lierature and Context
41. Activity Name: Setting Influence
42. The students are to have a class discussion about where they though the road trip was going to be from the setting during the story. How did the mountains affect your opinion? How did the lake inflnce your thoughts? How did the long windey road have a affect?.
43. Sub Strand: Texts in Conetxt
44. Activity Name: Point of view modification
45. To commence the activity, students first must identify what point of view the text is written in. Once they have established that is written in 3rd person point of view the teacher is able to move on and explain the following activity. The teacher explains that the students are to edit the point of view in the text to be in first person point of view. They are able to do this in a group of four so they can all facilitate ideas with each other. The teacher is to observe the students as they complete the task. Once they have finished editing the text, they can share their finished products with the class.
46. Sub Strand: Interacting with others
47. Activity Name: Two-minute Talk
48. Among completion of reading the text, students are to present and prepare a two-minute talk to share with the class. The theme of which students must base their two-minute talk about is ‘my thoughts on the text’. Students are to create and prepare their two-minute talk on the topic at hand. Once they have completed preparing their talk, they are to present to the class, one at a time. Once they have finished the talk, the teacher allows a brief period for classroom discussion afterwards, as it allows the other students to contribute to the discussion as well.
49. Activity Description
50. Sub Strand: Interpreting, Analysing, Elvaluating
51. Activity Name: Final Evaluation
52. This activity can be conducted st the end of studying a certain text. In this case its ''Road Trip''. Due to students growing knowledge of the text and its context they are now able to make accurate and fair evaluations on the text. Students are to make an evaluation on the text from their point of view. They should consider: Their own experiences and the experiences in the text, the context of the text , the artwork in the text and the message the text is trying to convey. Once they have finished their final evaluation, they are encouraged the share to the class.
53. Sub Strand: Evaluating and Reflecting
54. Activity Name Road Trip Mapping