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Google создатель Mind Map: Google

1. Slowing growth: Along with Amazon, it's the only U.S. tech company among the eight with revenue of at least $40 billion that doesn't pay a dividend. That means investors trust that Google can put its $60 billion in cash to work in ways that are more effective than returning some of it to shareholders. Without the additional, and to date elusive, revenue stream, investors will get antsy. They always do Companies of a certain size inevitably mature. The investor base changes as does the workforce. Top talent leaves to chase the next big thing or even hit the beach. Google's business, to stay truly cutting edge, needs the best engineers to keep flying through the doors and needs shareholders to stay patient. Everyone else should stay tuned

2. Tax avoidance Google uses various tax avoidance strategies. Out of the five largest American technology companies. it pays the lowest taxes to the countries of origin of its revenues. Google between 2007 and 2010 saved $3.1 billion in taxes by shuttling non-U.S. profits through Ireland and the Netherlands and then to Bermuda. This has reportedly sparked a French investigation into Google's transfer pricing practices. Following criticism of the amount of corporate taxes that Google paid in the United Kingdom, Chairman Eric Schmidt said, "It's called capitalism. We are proudly capitalistic."

3. Vertical search : On the desktop, Google is the most popular front door to the Internet. It's how people quickly find what they're looking for, and it's a cash cow for Google. Big companies spend hundreds of millions—sometimes billions—of dollars on sponsored links that run alongside search results to make sure they're getting Web traffic. The mobile world is very different. Smartphone users tend not to go to Google.com to search for hotels, clothes or gifts. They go to particular apps, meaning there is no central front door to the mobile Web. While Google remains at the middle of mobile computing with Android and popular apps like Maps, Youtube and Gmail, it doesn't control the discovery experience. How google has reacted ? Google has improved its voice-activated search technology to let people on the go search for anything, whether it's a friend's contact information or the best app for finding a weather report. And the company is the market leader in mobile advertising, thanks in large part to its purchase of ad network AdMob in 2009.

4. Payments and commerce : NFC? Google does, though it would rather not. Short for near-field communication, the technology was central to Google's costly effort at getting new payment terminals into retailers' hands, so that consumers could pay with a chip attached to their phone. It was one of many failed attempts that Google has made in the payments market, where PayPal, Apple and Amazon have had far more success getting customers to buy stuff with a couple clicks. How google has reacted ? By trying to develop Google Wallet which is a priority for google. And the company has made it far easier of late for Android users to make purchases—food delivery, music, games, etc.—with their Google credentials.

5. Antitrust : Regulators, both at home and abroad, are watching Google's every move. When the company agreed to acquire flight information provider ITA in 2010, it took almost a year for the Justice Department to clear the deal amid concern that Google would favor its own travel listings in search results. Yelp has criticized Google for giving preferential treatment to reviews of restaurants and local businesses on its own service. The European Commission has spent almost four years investigating antitrust-related complaints against the company. Google controls one-third of the global digital ad market and more than 40 percent of the U.S. market, according to eMarketer. In its core online ad business, any increase to its share—certainly via acquisition—will be rigidly scrutinized. So Google is faced with a need-to-grow-but-can't-grow conundrum. How google reacted ? That's a big reason Google has been spending big elsewhere, acquiring connected thermostat maker Nest Labs for $3.2 billion and mapping software provider Waze for close to $1 billion.

6. What regulatory challenges have they faced, and have they produced any change in the way their organize their business ?

7. Environment Since 2007, Google has aimed for carbon neutrality in regard to its operations. In 2007, Google launched a project centered on developing renewable energy, titled the "Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE<C)" project. However, the project was cancelled in 2014, In 2014 Google cut ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after pressure from the Sierra Club, major unions and Google's own scientists because of ALEC's stance on climate change and opposition to renewable energy. In November 2017, Google bought 536 megawatts of wind power. The purchase made the firm reach 100% renewable energy.

8. Lobbying In 2013, Google ranked 5th in lobbying spending, up from 213th in 2003. In 2012, the company ranked 2nd in campaign donations of technology and Internet sections.

9. Has made big cities around the world vital places for today Google's production and economy = each part of the globe is useful for google = perfect international implementation : It also has product research and development operations in cities around the world, namely Sydney (birthplace location of Google Maps)[and London (part of Android development). Trying to improve their implementation in India and Asia where google is facing hard challenges : In May 2015, Google announced its intention to create its own campus in Hyderabad, India. Google Doodles : Google represent everyone , everywhere. “Strong” evidence to show the population that Google is present in there daily life, anywhere. Philanthropy : In 2004, Google formed the not-for-profit philanthropic Google.org, with a start-up fund of $1 billion. The mission of the organization is to create awareness about climate change, global public health, and global poverty In 2008, Google announced its "project 10100" which accepted ideas for how to help the community and then allowed Google users to vote on their favorites. In 2011, Google donated 1 million euros to International Mathematical Olympiad to support the next five annual International Mathematical Olympiads (2011–2015). In July 2012, Google launched a "Legalize Love" campaign in support of gay rights. (Google adapt everything for everyone)

10. How have they acted to reshape the global and local business environments in which they are embedded ?