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Poverty by Mind Map: Poverty

1. Effects

1.1. Health

1.2. Hunger

1.3. Education

1.4. Participation

1.5. Shelter

1.6. Utilities

1.7. Violence

1.8. Personallity

1.9. Discriminatiion

2. Expressions

2.1. Abuse by those in power

2.2. Dis-empowering institutions

2.3. Excluded locations

2.4. Gender relationships

2.5. Lack of security

2.6. Limited capabilities

2.7. Physical limitations

2.8. Precarious livelihoods

2.9. Problems in social relationships

2.10. Weak community organizations

2.11. The Poverty Trap

3. Definition

3.1. Global Prevelance

3.2. Etymology

3.3. Measuring Poverty

3.3.1. Definitions

3.3.2. Absolute poverty

3.3.3. Relative poverty

4. Remedies

5. Poverty & 'Social Exclusion

6. This mindmap is promoted by 'International Classrooms On Line' (ICOL) as an educational exemplar for the topic of Cultural Ecology

6.1. ICOL

6.2. Cultural Ecology

7. Types of Causes

8. Environmental issues

9. Voluntary poverty

10. Poverty reduction