by Michele Bobbitt
1. Definition: Ability to accomplish new tasks successfully.
1.1. Adaptive: Can be applied "across the board."
1.2. Learning ability: Catching on quickly to new tasks.
1.3. Prior knowledge: Apply to new circumstances.
1.4. Multiple mental processes.
1.5. Culture-Specific.
2. Theories
2.1. Spearman:G factor. Ability to process information quickly. General factor + Specific factors.
2.2. Cattell: Fluid intelligence- acquire knowledge quickly; adapt: rapid, non-familiar tasks. Crystallized intelligence- acquired knowledge from schooling and experience: familiar tasks.
2.3. Gardner: Multiple Intelligences. Linguistic, mathematical-logical, spacial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
2.4. Sternberg: Context of situation; experience-draw from prior experience; cognitive processing.
2.5. Distributed Intelligence: Outside factors provide assistance.
3. Acquired through...
3.1. Heredity
3.2. Environmental factors
3.3. Prior Experience