Attention / Engagement

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Attention / Engagement by Mind Map: Attention / Engagement

1. Curiousity

1.1. Intellectual Arousal

1.1.1. E: Talking about course work outside of class

1.2. S: Student Interest

1.2.1. E: Student Voice

1.3. S: Problematic Curriculum

1.3.1. New node

1.4. S: Questioning

1.4.1. New node

1.5. New node

1.5.1. New node

1.6. :

1.7. PS: PbL

2. Efficacy

2.1. S: Knowing Performance Levels

2.1.1. E: Use of differentiated lessons

2.2. S: Effective Messaging

2.2.1. E: Teacher Tone and Messages

2.3. S: Providing time for reflection and action

2.4. S: Checking for Understanding

3. Emotions and Feelings

3.1. maslov heirarchy

3.1.1. Intellectual Arousal

3.2. S: Culture Building / Team Building

3.3. S: Knowing student interests

3.3.1. New node

3.3.2. New node

3.3.3. New node

3.4. S: Acknowledgement before Redirection

3.5. S: Confidence

3.5.1. New node

3.6. S: Teaching students how the brain works

3.6.1. New node

3.7. S: Advisory/Second Steps

3.7.1. New node New node

4. Importance and Relevance

4.1. Motivation

4.2. Purpose

4.2.1. S: Underline while reading

4.3. Authentic Audiences

4.4. UbD