1. e-Learning authoring Systems in Science teaching
1.1. Presentational
1.1.1. The authoring system can be used to present the students information - This can provide for individual presentation or for group collabarative presentation
1.2. Generative
1.2.1. Students Plan and build their lesson
1.2.2. Gather data as part of an online lesson - review individually or as a collabarative group and - transform (graph, diagram, conclusions)
1.3. Representational
1.3.1. Structure lesson to include - research - Construct meaning - present
1.4. Tools
1.4.1. LAMs
1.4.2. Moodle
1.4.3. WebQuest
2. Games Simulations and Micro worlds in Mathematics teaching
2.1. Presentational
2.1.1. the program presents the instruction of the game, the topics will be covered and how to go from level to higher.
2.2. Generative
2.2.1. students can work in groups to plan their lesson in their own exciting way.
2.3. Representational
2.3.1. lesson in details.
2.4. Tools
2.4.1. Scratch
2.4.2. Gamemaker
2.4.3. Starlogo
2.4.4. Moovl
2.4.5. Sodaplay
2.4.6. PowerPoint
3. e-Portfolio assessment in teaching Languages
3.1. Presentational
3.1.1. Use visual or aural tool to display students' work samples.
3.2. Generative
3.2.1. Use reflective journal to reflect on students' learning process.
3.3. Representational
3.3.1. As a product +reflection and provide future learning direction
3.4. Tools
3.4.1. PowerPoint
3.4.2. Voicethread
3.4.3. Soundcloud
3.4.4. Audacity
3.4.5. Moviemaker
3.4.6. Prezi
3.4.7. Wiki
3.4.8. Blog
3.4.9. Google Sites