Copy of Stress Management

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Copy of Stress Management by Mind Map: Copy of Stress Management

1. Definition

1.1. a state of psychological and physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and the individual’s ability and motivation to meet those needs

2. Sources of stress

2.1. The Environment – the environment can bombard you with intense and competing demands to adjust.

2.2. -Weather -noise -crowding -pollution -Traffic -unsafe -substandard housing, and crime.

2.3. Social Stressors – we can experience multiple stressors arising from the demands of the different social roles we occupy, such as parent, spouse, caregiver, and employee.

2.4. -Deadlines. -financial problems. -job interviews. -presentations -Disagreements -demands for your time and attention -loss of a loved one, divorce, and co- parenting.

2.5. Physiological – Situations and circumstances affecting our body can be experienced as physiological stressors.

2.6. -rapid growth of adolescence -menopause -illness -Aging -giving birth -Accidents -lack of exercise -poor nutrition -sleep disturbances

3. Causes of stress

3.1. -Academic -Dating -Environment -Extra curricular -Peers -Time management -Money -Parent

4. Types of stress

4.1. Positive stress(eustress) Stressful situation that will lead to a good outcome.

4.2. Characteristics -Motivates -Short term -Feels exciting -Improves performance

4.3. Negative stress (distress) The outcome of a poor attitude towards a stressor

4.4. Characteristics -Cause anxiety or concern -Short/long term -Feels unpleasant -Decreases performance -Lead to mental and physical problems

5. The Relaxation Response

5.1. Personal ability for slowing down muscles and organ system

5.2. Also increase blood flow

5.3. Drugs also can do the same (had side effect)

5.4. Many ways :- -Progressive Muscle Relaxation -Visual imagery -Deep breathing -Meditation -Hypnosis -Yoga -biofeedback

6. Cognitive Aspects Of Stress And Anxiety

6.1. A feeling worry, nervousness or unease.Mostly experience when someone faced with stressful life events.

6.2. Reactions to anxiety include:

6.3. Physical symptoms -sweaty palms -racing heart

6.4. Behaviors symptoms avoiding situations where experiencing anxiety might occur.trying to do things perfectly or trying to control events to prevent danger.

6.5. Moods symptoms -nervous -panickly

7. Four a’s Change The Stressful Situation

7.1. Avoid the stressor.

7.2. Alter the stressor.

7.3. Adapt the stressor.

7.4. Accept the stressor.

8. Stress Management Strategies

8.1. Avoid Unnecessary Stress

8.2. -Learn how to say “no” -Avoid people who stress you out

8.3. Alter the situation

8.4. -Express your feelings instead of bottling them up. -Be willing to compromise

8.5. Adapt to the stressor

8.6. -Reframe problem -Look at the big picture

8.7. Accept the things you cant change

8.8. -Don’t try to control the uncontrollable -Look for the bright side

8.9. Make time for fun and relaxation

8.10. Healthy way to relax and recharge

8.11. Implement a healthy life style

8.12. -Exercise regularly -Apply healthy diet

9. Symptoms of stress

9.1. Physical

9.1.1. -Insomnia -Headache -Excess sweating -Low energy -Diarrhea and constipation -Nausea -Dizziness -Loss of concentration

9.2. Emotional

9.2.1. -Moodiness -Irritability -Short tempered -Agitation -Sense of loneliness -Depression or general unhappiness

9.3. Behaviour

9.3.1. -Eating more or less -Isolating one self -Using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs to -relax -Nervous habit -De-motivation

10. Effects of stress

10.1. Physiological – hormone release triggers your fight and flight response

10.2. Hormones help you to either fight harder or run response

10.3. Increase heart rate, blood pressure and sweating.

10.4. Affects the immune system which is why cold and flu illness usually show up during exam.

10.5. Behavioral

10.6. Cause to be jumpy, excitable or even irritable.

10.7. Effects of stress may cause some people to drink or smoky heavily, neglect exercise or proper nutrition or overuse either the television or the compute

10.8. Psychological

10.9. The response to stress may decrease your ability to work or interact effectively with other people and be less able to make good decisions

11. Stress management strategies

11.1. Learn how to say NO! – know your limit and do not compromise them.

11.2. Attitude – it is normal to panic and lose control

11.3. Laugh – do something that makes you happy.

11.4. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

11.5. Healthy eating

11.6. Exercise – physical activity can release stress.

11.7. Relaxing your mind and body – take deep breaths

11.8. Sleep – make sure u have a good sleeping habit

11.9. Healthy relationships – share problems with someone that you trust.

11.10. Time management – having a schedule is one of a good way to manage your time.

11.11. . Organization – organize your works and tasks.

11.12. Budget – manage your budget foe monthly expenses

11.13. Spiritually – you must have an aim in your life.

11.14. Determine your learning lifestyle – u have to know if you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner.

11.15. Slow down – take your time to make sure you get well done job

11.16. Find a support system – find someone you feel comfortable to share your feelings

11.17. Make changes in your surroundings – dare to do something different from your usual habit

11.18. Delegate responsibilities – do not burden yourself with so many tasks. Ask others to help.

12. Stress Relieving Techniques

12.1. Mindfulness

12.2. - Effective in reducing stress, depression and negative emotions. - Without over-thinking or analyzing experience. - Focus in what is happening today.

12.3. How to do it?

12.4. -Find comfortable place to sit. -Focus on breathing. -Concentrate on your breathing. -Ignore the thoughts that come into your mind.

12.5. Body scan

12.6. Focus attention on various parts of body.

12.7. Walking Meditation

12.8. Also involved physicality of each step.

12.9. Mindful eating

12.10. Eat without any disturb.