1. APA format resources
1.1. How you can help end LGBT discrimination. (2018). Virgin. Retrieved 30 April 2018, from https://www.virgin.com/virgin-unite/how-you-can-help-end-lgbt-discrimination
1.2. Prejudice Against “Group X” (Asexuals). (2018). Psychology Today. Retrieved 30 April 2018, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/without-prejudice/201209/prejudice-against-group-x-asexuals
1.3. Homosexual discrimination. (2018). Antidiscrimination.justice.nsw.gov.au. Retrieved 30 April 2018, from http://www.antidiscrimination.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/adb1_antidiscriminationlaw/adb1_types/adb1_homosexual.aspx
1.4. Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Gender Dysphoric. (2018). Psychology Today. Retrieved 1 May 2018, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/love-and-sex-in-the-digital-age/201403/heterosexual-homosexual-bisexual-gender-dysphoric
2. Four types of sexualities
2.1. Homosexual
2.1.1. A person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex and not to people of the opposite sex
2.2. Heterosexual
2.2.1. A person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex
2.3. Bisexual
2.3.1. A person who attraction to both genders.
2.4. Asexual
2.4.1. Is an individual who is is not sexually attracted to either men or women.
3. Description - Four types of sexualities
3.1. Heterosexual discrimination
3.1.1. People who like someone who is opposite gender from them; which is every often to meet up with someone who is heterosexual.
3.1.2. Example: A heterosexual male who only love and dated female.
3.2. Homosexual discrimination
3.2.1. People who like both genders such as both male and female
3.2.2. Example: A homosexual female dated a male before, however, now she just got marry with another female
3.2.3. people will think you are gay or lesbian or because you have a relative, friend, associate or work colleague who is gay or lesbian, or someone thinks they are gay or lesbian.
3.2.4. Example: school to insist that students bring partners of the opposite sex to a school dance, because heterosexual students would be able to bring their boyfriends or girlfriends, but homosexual students would not.
3.3. Bisexual discrimination
3.3.1. Bisexual women and men by straight and gays alike and ridiculed. Straight people think bisexual women as whores. And they see for bisexual men as liars. Gay guys generally don't like bisexual men because they feel that they are lying about being bisexual just because they aren't fully ready to come out of the closet. And for Lesbians see bisexual women as selfish, whores that just want to have fun with a woman for a little while then settle down and have kids with a man.
3.3.2. Example: Bisexual women spend their whole lives having threesomes in the bedroom or just say they are bisexual to please their man. And bisexual men just pretend to be part of the community.
3.4. Asexual discrimination
3.4.1. Someone does not have any feeling for any gender both male and female.
3.4.2. People think asexuals were seen as relatively cold and emotionless and unrestrained, impulsive, and less sophisticated. So asexuals were characterized as “machine-like” (mechanistically dehumanized) also some of them seen as “animal-like” (animalistically dehumanized).
3.4.3. Example: A asexual male who never feel pleasing to any female or male. And relative to heterosexuals, and even relative to homosexuals and bisexuals, heterosexuals: (a) expressed more negative attitudes toward asexuals (i.e., prejudice); (b) desired less contact with asexuals; and (c) were less willing to rent an apartment to (or hire) an asexual applicant (i.e., discrimination).
4. Inter component connections between 4 different types of sexualities
4.1. To be a heterosexual man or woman means having a personally significant and meaningful romantic and/or sexual attraction primarily to adults of the opposite sex.
4.2. To be a homosexual man or woman means having a personally significant and meaningful romantic and/or sexual attraction primarily to adults of the same sex. (To be an openly gay man or woman implies a personal social integration with one’s homosexuality, including being “out” by fully accepting one’s homosexuality and sharing about it with friends, family, and others.)
4.3. To be a bisexual man or woman means having a personally significant and meaningful romantic and/or sexual attraction to both adult males and females. Those who self-identify as bisexual need not be equally attracted to both sexes.
4.4. To be a asexual which is also called gender dysphoric means experiencing a longstanding level of discontent with one’s birth sex and/or the gender roles associated with that sex. There are varying degrees of gender dysphoria, discussed in greater detail below.
5. How do you define sexuality?
5.1. Gender identity (the core sense that you are female -> gender dysphoria)
5.2. Gender role (the idea of how you should behave because you are a female or male)
5.3. sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual)
5.4. body image (poor body image can have a profound effect on out ability to have healthy relationship)
6. Facts of the Components of Health
6.1. Physical Health
6.1.1. Being bullied or taunted by schoolmates on a daily basis.
6.1.2. Homophobic jokes or harassment in the workplace.
6.1.3. Being threatened or bashed when out on the street.
6.2. Mental Health
6.2.1. Who have experienced prejudice feel immediate distress and fear.
6.2.2. Some of them have feelings of anxiety and depression that can linger for many years.
6.3. Emotional Health
6.3.1. For long time of depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms, it will influence people to become anxiety and anger.
6.3.2. People can't easy to control their emotion.
6.3.3. They will always be in a low mood.
6.4. Social Health
6.4.1. Hiding part of yourself in social situations for fear of being rejected or marginalised.
6.4.2. Because of directly predictive of discrimination so that effect to their social. They feel anxiety and depression to them to make new friends. And difficult to them to communicate to people.
6.4.3. They also scared to close to people because they affair people will discrimination and victim to them.
6.5. Spiritual Health
6.5.1. Feeling guilt and shame about your sexuality.
6.5.2. They will begin distrust themselves about their sexual orientation.
6.5.3. They will begin to hate themselves and their surroundings people.
7. 3 Ways to Reduce Discrimination
7.1. Raise up the voices of your LGBT neighbors
7.1.1. To show their as allies to support for LGBT rights. Sometimes their over-enthusiastic support can drown out and diminish the people they’re ostensibly fighting for. And LGBT can share their stories and their thoughts so that can end discrimination voices.
7.2. Create and protect safe spaces
7.2.1. There have many LGBT people face very real dangers for openly show their sexual orientation. There have many violence in their life so they can't live in a community that can't accept them. So create safe places can help them. Simply being clear see and vocal in support of LGBT people’s safety can go a long way.
7.3. Advocate for legal changes
7.3.1. So change legal can supported the view that people sexual orientation shouldn’t impede their right to earn a living and also that can transgender people should be able to use the bathroom that corresponds with their identity. They have equal rights to do.