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External Sulci por Mind Map: External Sulci

1. Coronary Sulcus

1.1. Circles The Heart

1.2. Separating the atria from ventricles

1.3. Contains

1.3.1. Right Coronary artery

1.3.2. Small cardiac vein

1.3.3. coronary sinus

1.3.4. the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery

2. Anterior interventricular sulcus

2.1. Shallow groove on the anterior surface of the heart

2.2. Marks the external boundary between right and left ventricles.

2.3. Contains

2.3.1. Anterior interventricular artery

2.3.2. The great cardiac vein.

3. Posterior interventricular sulcus

3.1. Shallow groove on the posterior surface of the heart

3.2. Marks the external boundary between right and left ventricles.

3.3. Contains

3.3.1. Posterior interventricular artery

3.3.2. The middle cardiac vein.