Computer Class

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Computer Class Door Mind Map: Computer Class

1. Quizzes

1.1. 18 quizzes

1.1.1. 7 are vocab and Literacy

1.1.2. The rest are computer basics and hardware

2. Forums

2.1. Resumes

2.2. Career Goals

2.3. Family Tree

2.4. Reflections

3. Assignments

3.1. Typing Practices

4. Projects

4.1. Business Plan

4.2. VR Movie

4.3. Google web pages (School Notes)

5. Programs and resources

5.1. Google sketch-up

5.2. Gmail

5.3. Pages.Google

5.4. Mindmeister

5.5. Microsoft Office

5.6. Geni

5.7. Johari Window
