Critical Review on the pros and cons of social networking prepared by Foo Jin Ze, Gugaratshan A/L...

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Critical Review on the pros and cons of social networking prepared by Foo Jin Ze, Gugaratshan A/L Thinagar by Mind Map: Critical Review on the pros and cons of social networking prepared by Foo Jin Ze, Gugaratshan A/L Thinagar

1. Body paragraph 3

1.1. We highly disagree that social networking sites may even set a person free from jail.

1.2. Reasons

1.2.1. Social networking sites could not set a person free. In James Karl Buck's case, he posted in Tweeter that he was arrested. Through various reasons, he was set free. What Tweeter did was relaying the message to others so that they can help him.

1.2.2. Social networking sites only enables an individual to spread the news of being in jail but not set the person free.

1.3. Evidence

1.3.1. According to Simon,M (2008) James posted in Tweeter that he was arrested in Egypt. Within seconds, his colleagues in the U.S and his blogger-friends in Egypt saw his message and spread it out. Hossam el-Hamalawy, one of the person who got word of Buck's arrest wrote regular updates in his blog to spread the information about Buck. Nobody know how long Buck was able to communicate. Buck's post set off a chain of events resulting his colleagues hiring a lawyer for him. As he is an American, he was set free. However, his translator, Mohammed Maree, was transferred to another police station instead. Maree's whereabouts is still unknown. Attiya Shakran, press counsel for the Egyptian Consulate in San Francisco, said that Maree was released April 13, but Maree's brother said that he had not heard from his brother. The government officials in Egypt could neither confirm nor deny Maree's release.

2. Body paragraph 2

2.1. We agree that social networking may cause users to be in the habit of using it.

2.2. Reasons

2.2.1. Social networking can be access easily via our smartphones. This causes users to constantly check with their smartphones.

2.2.2. Social networking sites has a lot of interesting features to attract their users.

2.2.3. Social networking sites also offers millions of free apps that can be used by the users.

2.2.4. It can also cause users to lose track of their responsibilities or even their lives.

2.3. Evidence

2.3.1. Larry Carlat was addicted to Tweeter. He started tweeting with a simple tweet on June 25, 2008. After some time, he started tweeting 20 to 30 times a day, seven days a week. His tweet was full of emotions. He tweeted 3 years straight and gained 25000 followers. Soon, he gave up his normal daily life such as watching television and listening to music. Even his behavior and thoughts changed to that similar as a tweet. Eventually his posts violated his company's social-media policy. He was given a choice to either delete the account or face termination. Instead of deleting his account, he quit the job. After he quit his job, he separated from his wife. Then, he made a joke about his wife. His son felt furious and forced him to delete that post or else he would stop following him on Tweeter. After some serious thought about his behavior, he finally decided to delete his account so that he could continue his life normally and spend time with his family.(Carlat,L,2011)

3. Conclusion

3.1. Agree

3.1.1. Connecting with one another can be easily done through social networking sites.

3.1.2. Addiction is one of the many effects of social networking sites.

3.2. Disagree

3.2.1. Setting a person free from jail can be completed via social networking sites.

3.3. In conclusion, social networking sites have a lot of benefits and drawbacks. Social networking sites are convenient and easy to use, however, abusing social networking sites too much will cause serious problems.

4. Introductory Paragraph

4.1. The article entitled "What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?" by Strickland,J reports on the benefits and drawbacks of social networking sites.

4.2. Benefits

4.2.1. Social networking sites enables the users to connect with one another.

4.2.2. Social networking sites also allow users to help someone through network professionally.

4.2.3. Social networking sites are also capable of arranging a function and inviting friends.

4.2.4. It can also advertise an artiste's or actor's work.

4.2.5. Social networking sites are also able to function as application platforms.

4.2.6. It can even set a person free from jail.

4.3. Drawbacks

4.3.1. Social networking allows identity theft to be easier.

4.3.2. Scammers are able to influence users to download malicious software (malware) unintentionally.

4.3.3. Social networking may cause users to be in the habit of using it.

5. Body paragraph 1

5.1. We agree that social networking sites enables the users to connect with one another.

5.2. Reasons

5.2.1. Social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter enable users to post their status on it. This allows their friends and family to keep track of their activities disregarding their location.

5.2.2. In addition to that, we can also search for our-forgotten childhood friends or family members that we had not met for many years on popular social networking sites.

5.3. Evidence

5.3.1. According to Mohney,G (2014) a brother and sister named John Pilotte and Susie Wilson respectively are able to meet for the first time after decades apart. Wilson searched for her brother for more than 4 years and succeeded finding him through Facebook.

5.3.2. Chan,C (2012) stated that a total of 300 million of photos are posted per day so that these engaged users can let others know what they are doing.

6. References

6.1. Carlat,L(2011),'Confessions of a Tweeter',The New Work Times Megazine, retrieved April 24, 2018 from

6.2. Chan,C(2012),'What Facebook Deals with Everyday: 2.7 Billion Likes, 300 Million Photos Uploaded and 500 Terabytes of Data', retrieved April 24,2018, from What Facebook Deals with Everyday: 2.7 Billion Likes, 300 Million Photos Uploaded and 500 Terabytes of Data

6.3. Mohney,G(2014), 'Long-Lost Siblings Find Each Other on Facebook', abcnews, retrieved April 24,2018 from Long-Lost Siblings Find Each Other on Facebook

6.4. Simon,M(2008),'Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail', CNN, retrieved April 24, 2018 from Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail -