Leadership Style

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Leadership Style by Mind Map: Leadership Style

1. Importance

1.1. initiates action

1.1.1. To start the work by communicating with subordinates

1.2. motivation

1.2.1. To motivate subordinates with economical or non-economical rewards

1.3. provide guidance

1.3.1. Instructing subordinates to work efficiently and effectively

1.3.2. Explaining them clearly their role and giving them guidelines to achieve the goals effectively

1.4. creating confidence

1.4.1. Contacts with employees and listen to their problems and solve them

1.4.2. build work environments

2. Role of leader

2.1. Required in all level of management

2.2. Representative of organization

2.3. Integrates and reconciles the personal goals with organizational goals

3. Suggestion of leadership situations where each leadership style tends to be effective

3.1. coercive

3.1.1. protect, unsure safety

3.2. authoritative

3.2.1. chalk the field, correct (negative and redirection feedback)

3.3. affiliative

3.3.1. build trust

3.4. democratic

3.4.1. involve and empower

3.5. pacesetting

3.5.1. lead the role, be a role model

3.6. coaching

3.6.1. teach, encourage, develop

4. Definition

4.1. The behavior pattern of an individual who attempts to influence others.

4.2. employees or team members who need more direction can be at loss

5. Behaviors

5.1. Directive (Task) Behaviors

5.1.1. Help group members via one-way communication.

5.1.2. Giving directions.

5.1.3. Establishing goals & how to achieve them.

5.1.4. Methods of evaluation & time lines.

5.1.5. Defining roles.

5.2. Supportive (Relationship) Behaviors

5.2.1. Assist group members via two-way communication in feeling comfortable with themselves, co-workers, and situation.

5.2.2. Asking for input.

5.2.3. Problem solving.

5.2.4. Praising & listening.

6. 4 Types of leadership styles

6.1. autocratic

6.1.1. Acts in a “command and control” fashion Emphasizes tasks over people Strength great during crisis situation Can get work done Weakness might invoke fear among staff, instead of true respect can be conflict if team members are experts who know more than the leader

6.2. democratic

6.2.1. Emphasizes people over tasks strength employees often feel heard and valued sense of empowerment can prompt creativity and innovation leader can bring out the best of their insights and use those to keep a project moving forward weakness inexperienced team members may feel they are not getting enough guidance for specific tasks

6.3. human relation

6.3.1. Participative with a strong emphasis on people and task strength seek to build rapport and improve morale work environment becomes friendlier and more pleasant weakness take time to build the company culture to achieve desired results increase stress on leaders who keep a poor performer around longer than necessary

6.4. Laissez-faire

6.4.1. Little concern for people or tasks strength enables employees to have creative freedom and approach their task autonomy great for create future leaders delegates of tasks results in better use of time for the leader weakness productivity can suffer if the leader fails to imbue a strong sense of accountability among his/her staff