1. title
1.1. How to get more than opinions
2. Lean Startup
2.1. likes the concept of
2.1.1. Get out of the building
3. UX experts have a passion for understanding human behavior
4. Research methods
4.1. ...
4.1.1. (lots)
5. Talk will focus on qualitative research
6. None leading interviews are like a conversation
6.1. are generative
6.2. listen
6.2.1. this way you'll see how the user describes the problem/solution hear them thinking in their terms
7. Much better in person
7.1. Eables observing behavior
8. Define your goals
8.1. Understand who to talk to
8.2. What do you need to observe
8.3. What do you hope to find out
8.4. Articulate your hypothesis
8.5. Identify your own believes
9. Map the topics you want to discuss
9.1. topic map
9.1.1. helps you know what would you talk about
10. Prompts rather than set questions
11. Have a softball question
11.1. to make the person feel more comfortable
11.2. neutralize their interupt-defense mechanism
12. Acive listening
12.1. Receive
12.2. Appreciate
12.3. Summarize
12.4. Ask
13. Ask open questions - don't lead
13.1. Wh questions, not yes/no questions
14. To keep people talking
14.1. "tell me more"
14.2. "what else"
14.3. "tell me a story about it"
14.4. "help me understand that"
15. Echoing & rephrasing
15.1. like Eliza
15.1.1. repeat the last word, to get more elaboration
15.2. summarize what they said
15.3. maintain ping-pong dialog
16. Conversational disequilibrium
16.1. balance the questions & answers
17. How to deal with difficult people
17.1. quite one
17.1.1. sometimes because they're very focussed on something
17.1.2. try ask questions that will trigger them to elaborate
17.2. bored one
17.2.1. usually when giving incentive condition incentive on achieving goal
17.2.2. better stop early
17.3. chatty one
17.3.1. need keep the conversation focussed That's really ineresting, thanks for telling me about it. To continue our.. Can I interrupt you? Sorry, I was curious..
18. Do's & Don'ts
18.1. Do
18.1.1. Be the learner not the expert
18.1.2. Ask naiive questions
18.1.3. Ask for specific stories
18.1.4. Allow people time to think
18.1.5. Listen actively
18.1.6. Take notes or record If you're a bad multi-tasker, maybe have someone else that will take notes There's a pen that also records audio Have interns example, ask them to mark when the person expresses emotions
18.1.7. Take photos or collect artefacts But explain why to set expectations
18.2. Don't
18.2.1. Be an interogator
18.2.2. Ask questions that sounds like blame
18.2.3. Ask for solutions
18.2.4. Try to solve problems during the interview
18.2.5. Ask what features they want
18.2.6. Pitch your product
18.2.7. Ask people to imagine theoretical situation
19. Have fun!
20. Resources
20.1. Mental Models
20.1.1. Indi Young