MELANIE DEZIEL TRUTHful Stories: The 5 Keys to Compelling Brand Content

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MELANIE DEZIEL TRUTHful Stories: The 5 Keys to Compelling Brand Content by Mind Map: MELANIE DEZIEL TRUTHful Stories: The 5 Keys to Compelling Brand Content


1.1. Teach

1.1.1. Diy & how to

1.1.2. deep dives

1.1.3. profiles & features

1.1.4. behind the scenes

1.1.5. history

1.2. Reputable

1.2.1. Experienced & Educated

1.2.2. Influencers

1.2.3. Third-Party Data

1.2.4. Corroborated

1.2.5. Diversity of Sources

1.3. Uniqueness

1.3.1. First or Only

1.3.2. Best, Most, Longest, Biggest

1.3.3. Different

1.3.4. Surprising

1.3.5. Your Journey Even if your product might not be unique, your journey is. Write about your Journey.

1.4. Tension

1.4.1. Questions

1.4.2. Struggles

1.4.3. Risks

1.4.4. Debates

1.4.5. Goals & Accomplishments

1.5. Human Connection

1.5.1. When you are creating brand content, find a person to represent it. vs. stats 1. 2. vs. graphics 1. 2.

2. Message to Marketers

2.1. Show users that your product is better, instead of telling them.

2.2. Give your audience what they need, not what you want to give them.

3. Resources

3.1. slides