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1. 3)the promotional mix relates to the objective of the promotion

1.1. provide information to consumer and otther

1.1.1. the main purpose is to inform the market about the availability of product to the market

1.2. increase demand

1.2.1. 1) primary demand the desire for general product category

1.2.2. 2) selective demand the desire for specific brand

1.3. differentiated a product

1.4. accentuate a product value

1.4.1. to justify hight price in market place

1.5. stabilize sales

2. 4)the different of the promotional mix and explain how markets developan optimal promotion mix

2.1. promotion mix

2.1.1. prmotion mix is a subset of which marketing mix in which marketers attempt to achive the optimal blending of the element of personal and non personal selling to achive promotionla objective.

2.2. personal selling

2.2.1. interpersonal influence process involving a sellre promotional presentation conducted on a person to person basis with the buyer

2.3. non personal selling

2.3.1. promotion thet included advertising, sale promotion , direct marketing, guerilla marketing, and public relation - all conducted without being face to face buyer.

3. 5)the role of sponsorship and direct marketing in intergrated matketing communication

3.1. sponsorship

3.1.1. sponsorship is organization provides funds or in kind resources to an event or activity in exchange for a direct association with that event or activity

3.2. direct marketing

3.2.1. direct marketing opens a new international markets of unprecented size.

4. 6)the two major alternative promotional strategise

4.1. pulling

4.1.1. promotional effort by the seller to stimulates final user demand, which then exerts pressure on the distribution channel.

4.2. pushing

4.2.1. promotional effort by the sellers directed to members marketing channel rather than final user.

5. 7) how market budget for measure the effectivenees of promotion

5.1. market budget

5.1.1. percentage of dales method

5.1.2. fixed sum per units method

5.1.3. meeting competion

5.1.4. task objektive method

5.2. effectiveness of promotion

5.2.1. direct sale result test

5.2.2. indirect evaluation

6. difinition

6.1. coordinate all promotional activities such as media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion and sponsership

7. 1)how intergrated marketing comunication relates to the development of an optimal promotional mix

7.1. 1)importance of team work

7.2. need everyone to involvolved in every aspect of element aspect of promotion in order to save time, money and effort.

7.3. 2) role of database in data base in effective IMC program

7.4. using technology and internet to get an data from the previos buyer using for provide a guidence to design an effective IMC strategy. to achive organization goal find new opportunities and increase sale/profit

8. 2)the communication process and how it relates to the AIDA concept

8.1. 1)communication proses

8.1.1. the sender seeks to convey a massage

8.1.2. massage a communication of information advise or request.

8.2. tree thing to accomplish a effective massage

8.2.1. 1) gain the receiver attention

8.2.2. 2)achive the understanding by both recheiver and sender

8.2.3. 3) stimulate the recheiver needs and suggest an appropriate method of satisfyingthem.


8.3.1. Sep trough which an individual reaches a purchase decision : atention, interest, desire and action.

9. 8) the value of marketing communication

9.1. social importance

9.2. business important

9.3. economic importance