Intergrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

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Intergrated Marketing Communication (IMC) por Mind Map: Intergrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

1. Role of Databases in Effective IMC Programs

1.1. -internet helps collect information faster and easier

1.2. -direct sampling its frequently used method to obtain customer opinions

2. The Communication Process

2.1. 1. marketing manager

2.2. 2.transmits messages such as sales presentations,ads,displays,direct email,publicity releases

2.3. 3. Delivers message via salesperson,print and electronic advertising media,public relations

2.4. 4.Receiver or customer interprets message

2.5. 5. Receiver or customer makes decision

2.6. 6. Customer responses,market research,market share changes,field sales reports

3. Objectives of Promotion

3.1. 1. Provide information

3.2. 2. Increase demand

3.3. 3. Differentiate a product

3.4. 4. Accentuate a product's value

3.5. 5. Stabilize sales

4. Sposorships

4.1. - event/sponsor relationship in which an organization provides funds or in-kind resources to an event or activity in exchanges for a direct association with that even or activity.

4.2. 1. Sponsorship spending

4.3. 2. Growth Of Sponsorships

4.4. 3. How Sponsorship Differs From Advertising

4.5. 4. Assessing Sponsorship Results

5. Developing An Optimal Promotional Mix

5.1. 1. Nature Of The Market

5.2. 2. Nature Of The Product

5.3. 3. Stage In the Product Life Cycle

5.4. 4. Price

5.5. 5. Funds Available For Promotion

6. Budgeting For Promotional Strategy

6.1. 1. percentage-of-sales method

6.2. 2. fixed-sum-per-unit method

6.3. 3. meeting competition

6.4. 4. task-objective method

7. The Value Of Marketing Communications

7.1. 1. Social Importance

7.2. 2. Business Importance

7.3. 3. Economic Importance

8. Defenation

8.1. is the the process of coordinating all this activity across different communication methods.

9. Important of teamwork

9.1. -must be present a consistent,coordinated promotional effort at every point of customer contact with the organization.

9.2. -save time,money,and effort.

10. Elements of The Promotion Mix

10.1. -Subset of the marketing mix in which marketers attempt to achieve the optimal blending of the elements of personal and non-personal selling to achieve promotional objectives.

10.2. Personal Selling

10.2.1. - Interpersonal influence process involving a seller's promotional presentation conducted on a person-to-person basis with the buyer.

10.3. Non-personal Selling

10.3.1. Promotions that includes advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, guerilla marketing, and public relations-all conducted without being face-to-face with the buyer.

10.3.2. 1. Avertising

10.3.3. 2. Product Placement

10.3.4. 3. Sales Promotion

10.3.5. 4. Direct Marketing

10.3.6. 5. Public Relations and Publicity

10.3.7. 6. Guerilla Marketing

11. Direct Marketing

11.1. Direct Marketing Communications Channels

11.1.1. 1. Direct Mail

11.1.2. 2. Catalogs

11.1.3. 3. Telemarketing

11.1.4. 4. Direct marketing Via Broadcast Channels

11.1.5. 5. Electronic Direct Marketing Channels

11.1.6. 6. Other Direct Marketing Channels

12. Pulling And Pushing Promotional Strategies

12.1. 1. Pulling strategy

12.1.1. -Promotional effort by the seller to stimulate final-user demand, which then exerts pressure on the distribution channel

12.2. 2. Pushing strategy

12.2.1. -Promotional effort by the seller directed to members of the marketing channel rather than final users.

13. Measuring The Effectiveness Of Promotion

13.1. 1. measuring online promotions

13.1.1. -cost per impression

13.1.2. -cost per response