Shelley's 3D GameLab Path (August 2011)

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Shelley's 3D GameLab Path (August 2011) by Mind Map: Shelley's 3D GameLab Path (August 2011)

1. Blended Learning

1.1. What is the Blend?

1.2. Welcome to the Blend

1.3. What Blends well?

2. Mobile Learning

2.1. A. Getting Started: Go On a Skype Hunt

2.2. B. Getting Started: Be a Tweeter, Not a Twit

2.3. 9. Getting Started: PreSurvey

2.4. Productivity: Create a Dropbox account

3. Games in the Mirror: Assessment & Reflection

3.1. Telling Your Story

3.1.1. 10.My Gut Reaction

3.1.2. 11. Peeking into the Mirror

3.1.3. 8. 1000 Points of Reflected Light

3.2. Bloom's Bestiary of Assessment

3.2.1. E. Intro to Learning Games Assessment

3.3. Mapping the Landscape

3.3.1. 12/F. Diggin the GameLab Diigo

3.3.2. G. Painting the Landscape (your color)

3.4. BetaZone

3.4.1. H. Start Spinning Yarns!

4. Game Lab

4.1. Player

4.1.1. Mechanics of Game-based Learning

4.1.2. What is age appropriate?

4.1.3. D. I am READY to build

4.1.4. C. Speak Up in Ventrilo!

4.1.5. Facebook Friends

4.1.6. Become a Groupie

4.1.7. Who will you be?

4.1.8. What type of Gamer are you?

4.1.9. Tools of the Game

4.1.10. Welcome to the Movement

4.1.11. Are Games Better Than Life?

4.1.12. 7 Ways to Reward the Brain

4.1.13. Toys that Make the Worlds: Will Wright

4.1.14. It's Broken, Help!

4.2. Reward Builder

4.2.1. Reward Design

4.2.2. Reward Tools Walk-through

4.3. Group Manager

4.3.1. FERPA Regulations

4.3.2. COPPA Regulations

4.3.3. Group Manager Tools

4.3.4. Approving a Quest

4.4. Quest Builder

4.4.1. Who Owns My Quests?

4.4.2. Rating of Material (PG only)

4.4.3. Design Your First Quest

4.4.4. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

4.4.5. Using a Planning Roadmap

4.4.6. Embed Video in Quests

4.4.7. Tools for Quest Design 1

5. Context & Culture of Gaming

5.1. Scholar

5.1.1. Welcome: Context & Culture

5.1.2. What type of Gamer are you?

5.1.3. Games Can Make the World Better

5.1.4. 7 Ways to Reward the Brain

5.1.5. Are Games Better Than Real Life?

5.2. Quest Builder

5.2.1. Gamifying Education

6. Technology Integration

6.1. Basic Skills

6.1.1. Screenshots...A Quick How-to

6.1.2. Email Me!

6.2. Teaching Tools

6.2.1. Web Based Screen Recording

6.3. Wiki

6.3.1. Be a Show Off

6.4. Google

6.4.1. We <3 Google!


7.1. 3D Game Lab

7.2. Shivtr

7.3. Flickr

7.4. Twitter

7.5. Facebook

7.6. VoiceThread

7.7. Mindmeister

7.8. Garageband

7.9. Compfight

7.10. Google Docs

7.11. email/Gmail

7.12. Ventrilo

7.13. Firefox

7.14. Diigo

7.15. Jing