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1. 6) direct marketing

1.1. direct marketing communication channels

1.1.1. uses many different media forms

1.2. direct mail

1.2.1. communications in the form of sales letters , postcards , brochure , catalogs and the like conveying messages directly from the marketer to the customer

1.3. catalogs

1.3.1. catalogs fills many segments that can probably order just about anything

1.4. telemarketing

1.4.1. direct marketing conducted entirely by telephone and it can be classified as either outbound or inbound contacts

1.5. direct marketing via broadcast channel

1.5.1. briefs direct response advertisements on television or radio

1.6. electronic direct marketing channels

1.6.1. delivers data instantly at lower costs compared to traditional programs

1.7. other direct marketing channel

1.7.1. print media , magazines and kiosks

2. 7) developing an optimal promotional mix

2.1. nature of the market

2.1.1. market's target audience. personal selling can highly effective if the market has a limited number of buyers

2.2. nature of the product

2.2.1. highly standardized product with minimal servicing requirements depends less on personal selling

2.3. stage in the product lifecycle

2.3.1. introduction - nonpersonal and personal selling growth and maturity - advertising and personal selling maturity and early - reduction in advertising and sales promotion

2.4. price

2.4.1. advertising dominants for low-unit-value products

3. 8) pulling ad pushing promotional strategies

3.1. pulling strategy

3.1.1. promotional efforts by the seller to stimulate final-user demand , which then exerts pressure on the distribution channel

3.2. pushing strategy

3.2.1. promotional effort by the seller directed to members of the marketing channel rather than final users

4. 9) budgeting for promotional strategy

4.1. promotional budget may differ not only in amount but also in composition

5. 10) measuring the effectiveness of promotion

5.1. direct sales result test

5.1.1. based on the specific impact on ales revenues for each dollar of promotional spending

5.2. indirect evaluation

5.2.1. concentrating on quantifiable indicators of effectiveness

5.3. measuring online promotions

5.3.1. cost per impression relates the cost of an ad to every thousand people who view it

5.3.2. cost per response related the cost of ad to the number of people who click it

5.3.3. conversion rate percentage of visitors to a web site who make a purchase

6. 11) the value of marketing communication

6.1. social importance

6.1.1. one generally accepted standard in a market society is freedom of choice for the consumer

6.2. business importance

6.2.1. long-term increase in funds allocated to promotion indicates faith inits ability to encourage attitude changes , brand loyalty and additional sales

6.3. economic importance

6.3.1. increases units sold and allows economies of scale in production process.

7. 1) Integrated marketing communication

7.1. coordination of all promotional activities to produce a unified ,customer-focused promotional message

7.2. importance of teamwork

7.2.1. requires everyone involved in every aspect of promotion to function as a team

7.3. role of database in effective IMC program

7.3.1. allow companies to gather information faster and organize it easily

8. 2) The communication process

8.1. sender

8.1.1. seeks to convey a message to the receiver

8.2. message

8.2.1. communication of information , advice , or a request by the sender to the receiver

8.3. AIDA

8.3.1. dteps through which an individual reaches a purchase decision

8.4. encoding

8.4.1. translating a message into understandable terms

8.5. decoding

8.5.1. receiver's interpretation of a message

8.6. feedback

8.6.1. receiver's response to a message

8.7. channel

8.7.1. medium through which a message is deliver

9. 3) objective of promotion

9.1. provide information

9.1.1. goal is to inform the market about the availability of a product

9.2. increase demand

9.2.1. may increase primary demand

9.3. differentiate product

9.3.1. occurs when consumers regard a firm's products as different in some way from those of competitors

9.4. accentuate the product's value

9.4.1. greater value helps justify a higher price in the marketplace

9.5. stabilize sales

9.5.1. can stabilize market in demand

10. 4) elements of promotional mix

10.1. personal selling

10.1.1. a seller's promotional presentation conducted on a person-to-person basis with the buyer

10.2. non-personal selling

10.2.1. advertising any paid , non-personal communication through various media about a business firm , not-for-profit organization product or idea by a sponsor identified in a message

10.2.2. product placement marketers plays a motion picture or television program owner a fee to display his or her product prominently in the film or show

10.2.3. sales promotion marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness

10.2.4. direct marketing use of a direct communication to a consumer or business recipient designed to generate a response

10.2.5. public relation firm's communications and relationship with the various publics

10.2.6. publicity non-personal stimulation of demand for a good , service , place , idea , person , or organization by unpaid placement of significant news regarding the product in a print or broadcast medium

10.2.7. guerrilla marketing unconventional , innovative and low-coat technique to attract consumers' attention

11. 5) sponsoship

11.1. occurs when organizations provide money or in-kind resources to an event or activity in exchange for a direct association with that event or activity

11.2. how sponsorship differs from advertising

11.2.1. cost-effectiveness

11.2.2. sponsor's degree of control versus that of advertising

11.2.3. nature of the message

11.2.4. audience reaction