Social Networking

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Social Networking by Mind Map: Social Networking

1. Examples

1.1. Facebook

1.2. Flickr

1.3. Foursquare

1.4. Linked In

1.5. MySpace

1.6. Picasa

1.7. Twitter

1.8. YouTube

2. Pros

2.1. Keep connected

2.2. Make friends

2.3. Find new interests

2.4. Share photos

2.5. Share experiences

3. Cons

3.1. Access to information

3.2. Access to locations

3.3. Longevity of information

3.4. Public information

4. Maricopa on Facebook

4.1. Maricopa On Facebook

4.2. Must have a facebook account

4.3. Only students attending Maricopa Colleges have access

4.4. Connects you with classmates

4.5. Uses your photo from your facebook account