1. 2000-2010
1.1. 2001
1.1.1. World Trade Center Attacked
1.2. 2007
1.2.1. Facebook is Launched
1.3. 2007
1.3.1. Iphone released
1.4. 2010
1.4.1. Speech-to-speech translation is common in mobile phones
1.5. 2010
1.5.1. Augmented Reality (AR) is entering the mainstream
2. 2011-2020
2.1. 2015
2.1.1. Virtual Reality
2.2. 2017
2.2.1. AI Replaces White Collar Expertise
2.3. 2017
2.3.1. The rise of the sharing economy
2.4. 2018
2.4.1. Voice-activated personal assistance will continue to shape consumer behavior
2.5. 2018
2.5.1. Co-living
2.6. 2019
2.6.1. The Rise of the Vegetarian Meat
2.7. 2020
2.7.1. No More Physics And Maths, Finland to Stop Teaching Individual Subjects
3. 2020-2030
3.1. 2022
3.1.1. Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies
3.2. 2028
3.2.1. Driverless cars begin having significant impact on profits for auto insurance companies
3.3. 2029
3.3.1. Heavy automation of supermarkets and retail environments
3.4. 2030
3.4.1. Depression is the number one global disease burden
3.5. 2030
3.5.1. Study estimates state obesity rates will skyrocket by 2030
3.6. 2030
3.6.1. Will a robot take your job? 250,000 public sector admin jobs at risk
4. 2030-2040
4.1. 2032
4.1.1. Electronic paper
4.2. 2039
4.2.1. Extreme heatwaves are commonplace in the U.S.
4.3. 2040
4.3.1. Scientists can erase and restore memories
4.4. 2040
4.4.1. Tobacco has been largely eradicated
5. 2041-2050
5.1. 2044
5.1.1. AI entities given the right to vote
5.2. 2049
5.2.1. Robots are a common feature of homes and workplaces
5.3. 2050
5.3.1. Coffee becomes a luxury due to climate change and the loss of suitable farming land