Hälsa & Forskning Forecast

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Hälsa & Forskning Forecast by Mind Map: Hälsa & Forskning Forecast

1. 2017

1.1. A Vaccine For Type 1 Diabetes Begins Human Trials in 2018

2. 2025

2.1. Finding a treatment for Alzheimer's by 2025

3. 2036

3.1. Bionic eyes surpassing human vision

4. 2030

4.1. Stem cell pharmacies are commonplace

5. 2020

5.1. Complex organ replacements grown from stem cells

6. 2020

6.1. A cure for malaria

7. 2018

7.1. Many complex surgeries are performed by robots

8. 2004

8.1. Artificial DNA

9. 2007

9.1. The mouse genome is fully sequenced

10. 2018

10.1. Polio has been eradicated

11. 2040

11.1. Scientists can erase and restore memories

12. 2022

12.1. Deafness is fully curable

13. 2021

13.1. Male birth control pills are entering the market

14. 2028

14.1. Life expectancy explodes dramatically through gene modification