Rich Media - Audio

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Rich Media - Audio by Mind Map: Rich Media - Audio

1. considerations and caveats

1.1. audio feedback

1.1.1. students may not review it again what actions they will take as a result of your feedback.

1.2. audio presentations

1.3. file sizes can be bigger than other forms of resource eg image or text

1.4. hard to review or scan audio quickly

1.4.1. Daisy - possible to create navigable chunks

1.5. Barriers to creating audio

1.5.1. sound of own voice

2. value-added

2.1. tutor perspective

2.1.1. voicetyping?

2.1.2. audio feedback tools kaizena

2.2. students

2.2.1. richer feedback, conveys more

2.3. inclusivity

2.4. easier to access while on the move eg commuting or jogging

3. dual channel assumption - Mayer

4. podcast resources audiobooks

5. pedagogical uses

5.1. teacher

5.1.1. embedding audio in vle

5.1.2. Media interaction page type in Xerte allows you to create markers.

5.1.3. Design opportunities for professional discussions

5.1.4. Create podcasts

5.1.5. Create podcast with students at the end of each lecture to summarise key learning points

5.1.6. Asking students to create podcasts Case study, David Beer and Laurie Hanquinet

5.1.7. mnemonic stories to help memorise concepts or facts

5.2. student

5.2.1. panopto and vimeo can create notes and markers to jump quickly to a part of the audio

5.2.2. Music to help connect and focus

5.2.3. transcribing all thoughts

5.2.4. audio notetaking

6. Tools

6.1. audio notetaking

6.1.1. OneNote built in audio notetalking

6.1.2. Evernote

6.1.3. Notetalker

6.1.4. Audio Notetaker

6.2. Hardware

6.2.1. phone

6.2.2. tablet

6.2.3. USB microphone

6.2.4. Headset microphone

6.2.5. Livescribe pens

6.3. Software

6.3.1. Online Online voice recorder SpeakPipe (5 min limit) Vocaroo Clyp

6.3.2. Free/portable Audacity Garageband Windows recorder (but beware format)

6.3.3. Commercial