by muhammad akmal
1. Requirement Skills of Public Practitioner: 1)Research Skills 2)Writing and Editing Skills 3)Communication Skills 4)Organization Skills 5)Production Skills
2. Personal Qualities of Public Relations Practitioners: 1)Truthfulness and discretion 2)Deep interest in the solution of problem 3)Intellectual curiosity 4)A sense of jugdement and logic 5)Broad cultural
3. Key word that are use in most definition: 1)Practicing two-way communication 2)Creating mutual understanding with important public. 3)Researching the need of the public 4)Reputation management of the organizations 5)Counseling the organizations management.
4. Definition of Public Relations: Public Relation is the organizations effort with its strategic public & minimise conflicts with them. (J.Grunig)
5. Umbrella of Public Relations Activities: 1)Media Relations 2)Industrial Relations 3)Community Relations 4)Consumer Relations 5)Employee Relations
6. Function of Public Relations Department: 1)Building corporate identities 2)Facing Crises 3)Promoting public cause 4)Evaluates public attitudes 5)Build and maintain relationship