STAGE 4/5 Science Brief

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STAGE 4/5 Science Brief by Mind Map: STAGE 4/5 Science Brief

1. Physical World

1.1. Understanding the nature of forces and motion, and matter and energy

1.1.1. PW1 - Forces and motion PW2 - Motion

1.1.2. PW2 - Non-contact forces (electricity, magnetism, gravitation) PW3 - Electricity

1.1.3. PW3 - Energy - forms and transformation PW1 - Modelling energy transfer - waves and particles

1.1.4. PW4 - Role of technology in energy transformations PW4 - Energy transfers, transformations and conservation

2. Earth and space

2.1. Earth's dynamic structure and its place in the cosmos

2.1.1. ES1 - Rock cycle ES2 - Geological activity and continental movements.

2.1.2. ES2 - Relative positions of Sun, Earth & moon. - Structure of the solar system. - Development of models of the solar system (history and technology) ES1 - Origins of the Universe - Features of stars, solar systems and galaxies - Gravity

2.1.3. ES3 - Renewable and non-renewable resources. - Use and management of resources ES3 - Structures and interactions of the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and the lithosphere - Human activities and global systems

2.1.4. ES4 - Water cycle and its management

3. Living World

3.1. The structure and function of living things (cells to ecosystems).

3.1.1. LW1 - Classification of organisms

3.1.2. LW2 - Cells

3.1.3. LW3 - Cells to Organisms - Cellular specialisation and biological functions LW1 - Sensing and responding to stimuli - Homeostasis and coordinating internal functions - Diseases (infectious and non-infectious) LW3 - Genetics and inheritance

3.1.4. LW4 - Changes in our understanding of human health and other issues, including technology and other criteria

3.1.5. LW5 - Ecosystems - Conservation - Human impacts LW2 - Ecosystems - cycling of matter and energy - Conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems LW4 - Evolution

4. Chemical World

4.1. Composition and behaviour of matter.

4.1.1. CW1 - Particle model of matter - States of matter - Changes of state, including evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing CW1 - Structure of atoms, including development of models - Radioactivity, including its uses

4.1.2. CW2 - Properties of matter, including their uses - Classification of matter - elements, compounds, mixtures CW2 - Understanding the Periodic Table

4.1.3. CW3 - Separation of matter

4.1.4. CW4 - Chemical change and reactions - Production and uses of materials - Examples of natural chemical changes CW3 - Chemical reactions and the rearrangement of atoms - Chemical reactions in non-living systems (combustion, acids/metals/carbonates, corrosion, precipitation, neutralisation, decomposition) - Chemical reactions in living systems (respiration, photosynthesis, digestion) - Writing chemical equations CW4 - Energy changes in chemical reactions (endothermic, exothermis) - Rates of reactions, including temperature and catalysts - Careers in science and technology